Allen D
Writer #20172
Joined 3/25/2017
4 Star Rating
231 Projects
0 Endorsements
0 Elite Skills
With nearly a decade of experience in the editorial field in positions ranging from writer to editor to SEO specialist, Allen has a breadth and diversity of knowledge regarding all aspects of the communications industry. Allen has written and edited copy covering an array of subject matter, including media research, bio-pharmaceutical, and telecommunications technology. With the ability to work in multiple platforms (web, print, tablet, and mobile) and diverse mediums (reference manuals, e-mail marketing, surveys, banner ads), Allen has demonstrated skill at mastering new subjects and communicating pertinent information to specialized and general markets alike.
Web Page
Blog Post


Allen specializes in consolidating large bodies of technically complex material into easily digestible marketing and educational copy targeted at audiences ranging from postgraduate-level professionals to the general public.


Allen's fields of interest include: bio-pharmaceutical, education, marketing, media research, telecommunications, information and communications technology, and culture.


University of South Florida

Allen received his B.A. in English and minor in Psychology from the University of South Florida in 2009.


100 Projects Completed

Allen wrote and copy edited prescription information, marketing, and educational materials targeted at both consumers and healthcare professionals at all stages of development for a multinational pharmaceutical company. In the course of this work, Allen reviewed projects in diverse formats, ensured compliance with brand style, AMA, and FDA guidelines, and conferred with graphic designers when changes were needed.


100 Projects Completed

Allen has written engaging marketing copy for a major multinational media research company while taking direction from editors, conducting online research, and tracking brand integration in prime time networking. In this role, Allen wrote consumer surveys to better measure market trends in TV viewership along with launching several e-mail marketing campaigns.
In addition to media research marketing, Allen has also contributed to various other online marketing projects including web page and banner ads.


3 Projects Completed

While working with content submitted by subject matter experts (SMEs), Allen rewrote, formatted, and revised highly technical and award-winning reference manuals and supplementary educational documents for use in information and communications technology credentialing. Allen also contributed to a bimonthly telecommunications trade journal by reworking SME copy for readability and to ensure its marketability to the target readership.


15 Projects Completed

Allen has written and edited content for several marketing brochures in the education and health fields. Many of this content was created for and disseminated by a major pharmaceutical company.

Web Page

10 Projects Completed

Allen has written and edited copy for multiple web pages predominately in the health and bio-pharmaceutical industries. He excels in concise, engaging copy geared towards business to client.

Blog Post

3 Projects Completed

Allen has written branded and unbranded blog posts for multiple online clothing and technology retailers. With the ability to research new topics and create concise and engaging copy, Allen can take on new projects with ease and finesse.

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