His specialties include short, researched pieces relating to finance, marketing, or general business, but he has been all over the map with his professions and hobbies.
Larry's primary academic training is in management and accounting, with additional licenses in massage therapy and personal fitness training. Larry lived in Japan for two years and has extensive background in Japanese culture and politics. When not writing, he is usually running, painting, or doing standup comedy.
Larry later prepared for and passed the CPA exam during his career as a tax and estate planner.
While obtaining his graduate degree, Larry was editor of the school's weekly newspaper. Coursework for the degree included intensive Japanese language training and advanced management, finance, and marketing courses.
Larry is an in-house content editor for a national automotive publication that focuses on electric and hybrid vehicles. In addition to over 1000 short pieces on specific cars and trucks, he regularly writes press releases aimed at increasing viewership for the site. The job also includes doing live interviews at auto shows and writing synopses of live media conferences.
On a regular basis, Larry writes for an advertising agency whose primary output includes marketing, SEO, and advertising content for websites. Topics cover virtually every area of business, from medical devices and medicines, to retail product descriptions in diverse industries. One of the special-order projects he worked on was a complete rewrite of the food menu for a national restaurant chain.
This writer does not have any industry experience listed on their profile.