Marketing, Email Campaigns, Facebook Ad copy, Technology, Online Dating
Marketing, Reselling, Food, Travel, Social Media, Real Estate
The professional writing degree focuses on writing for various fields such as marketing, advertising, and technical writing. A professional writing internship and portfolio is required in order to graduate.
This writer has written blog articles on various marketing subjects and has worked in the marketing field for over four years. Most recently she wrote an article describing how to write subject lines for an email marketing campaign.
Erin has experience writing about medical records software as well as other various software-related topics.
Erin worked for an online dating company for two and a half years. During this time she created email marketing campaigns, blog articles, banner ads, social media posts and more.
Erin has written countless email campaigns. As the marketing coordinator of an online dating company she wrote every email campaign to a list of over 180k subscribers.
Erin has written blog articles on a variety of subjects. She has written most about marketing subjects and online dating.
Erin is published in PI Magazine. She wrote articles pertaining to online investigations through social media.