Danielle M
Writer #18964
Joined 12/29/2016
4 Star Rating
100% Success
20 Projects
0 Endorsements
0 Elite Skills
During her time in college Danielle gained experience writing academic essays on a variety of subjects both scientific and cultural. Although she is well versed in academic writing she also enjoys a variety of other subjects. Currently she writes a humorous personal blog about her travels and experiences, in which she gives travel advice and promotes her artwork. Currently Danielle is completing an educational commission in which she leads the development of characters, story lines and artwork for a children's zombie-themed comic.
Danielle is also well-versed in health and nutrition, and is in the process of publishing a How To Cook book she wrote last year. You will find her Biology degree and background in writing come together well for competent and easy to read pieces on diet, exercise and health related topics.
Growing up she was a heavy reader of fantasy and science fiction so if you have any projects in the genre please don't hesitate to contact her on that as well!
Blog Post




Wildlife conservation
Diet and Nutrition
Science Fiction and Fantasy


University of Colorado at Colorado Springs

Danielle studied cellular biology for 2 years at the University of Colorado before transferring to a different college. During her time here she was placed on the Deans List for Academic Achievement twice.

Southeast Missouri State University

Danielle achieved her degree in Marine Biology, but not before changing her major back and forth between Cellular Biology and Journalism. This was before the marine field was experimentally introduced to the University. Although this change in majors added a few years to her degree seeking, she was able to study a completely new field in writing that she found she was rather fond of.


0 Projects Completed

During her time as a naturalist Danielle wrote mainly academic papers for future naturalists to be trained off of. She wrote a comprehensive care guide for the animals residing in the nature center, complete with dietary care, habitat maintenance and possible health concerns. She also supplied the nature center with program ideas and information on much of the common wildlife found in Missouri.


0 Projects Completed

Danielle wrote a how-to-cook book as a present for her sister. It was so well received by friends and family that the instructional booklet is now in route to being published.

Blog Post

20 Projects Completed

Danielle has recently started a travel and nature related blog. The blog is meant to be an entertaining highlight of her travels around the United States while sneaking in some wildlife education, travel tips and food/drink recommendations.

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