Instructional design, written customer resolution, release notes, article development.
Parenting, health and fitness, food and cooking, civics, small business and entrepreneur support, house hold management, house hold finances, house hunting, automotive inquiries and purchases.
While Anita's major is Criminal Justice, and her minor is Sociology, many of her elective courses in college were in English and writing. She found such a pleasure in writing that she intentionally sought out courses that would give her more opportunities to write technically as well as creatively. The skills she got from these courses have positively affected her professional career.
Anita’s experience in the technology industry includes her former employer, current employer, and freelance work for an acquaintance. Her work with her former employer included the training, selling, and customer support for the following services: Landline and mobile telephones, high-speed internet, and television broadcasting packages. The training of these services involved in-depth technological information.
With her current employer, Anita is a go-between for customers and programmers with an electronic health records organization, translating customer’s requests and issues to the programmers, and vice versa. Anita’s role also includes trouble shooting customer’s issues, providing customers with instructions on how to configure the software to their needs, and providing written documentation and webinars regarding the constantly evolving software.
Anita also occasionally collaborates with an acquaintance about his computer programming, software and support business. She has provided her skills to give him a comprehensive company profile he uses to market his business.
Anita has written, and continues to write, an abundance of articles for the internet. These articles include a variety of topics that range from hair care, parenting, and more. Many of the articles were submitted and approved for publishing through acclaimed websites. Additionally, Anita writes articles for her current employer about software features, changes, and various uses.