Sarah's specialties include blog posts for the non-profit and charitable sector. She is also experienced in topics related to parenting and children.
Sarah's primary interest is helping others and making a difference in the world. She enjoys reading, whether it be online articles, ebooks, or physical books.
Sarah obtained her Bachelor of Science in Mechanical Engineering from Grand Valley State University, located in Grand Rapids, Michigan.
Sarah spent one year writing several blog posts per week for a large non-profit organization. These blog posts would describe specific causes for which the organization was currently raising funds. Each article would include a compelling call-to-action for the reader to consider contributing a donation to support the cause, or visit another site to learn more information.
In addition to blog posts, Sarah also created weekly emails that would be distributed to the subscriber list. These emails would contain a brief explanation of a specific cause or problem and invite the readers to help fund a solution. Sarah was extremely talented at ensuring these emails touched the readers heart while not appearing to be a sales pitch or spam.
Since she joined WriterAccess, Sarah has had the opportunity to work with a few realtors and apartment rental companies. Through detailed research, she has created community pages which provide information about schools, neighborhoods, local entertainment options, and more to help attract and entice interested buyers to look for homes and apartments in the area. Sarah also writes articles specific to each school located in the region the realtor serves. In addition to providing information to people shopping for homes, her work also improves the Search Engine Optimization for the realtor’s website.
As a freelance writer, Sarah has had several opportunities to write articles targeted toward small business owners and entrepreneurs. With these articles, the topics were predetermined and then assigned to her. From that point, she began her research of useful information that would give guidance to new entrepreneurs. After performing the research, Sarah would create a post that was not only helpful, but also interesting and easy to read.
As Sarah has been writing her personal blog geared towards mothers, she has had the opportunity have several articles sponsored by a variety of family friendly companies. With each article, Sarah provides useful information for the reader, while also including relevant information about the sponsors product. She has an incredible talent for constructing her posts so it is not an apparent advertisement. Her skill in this area promotes reader engagement while also effectively spreading the word about the product.
Blog posts have been Sarah's primary experience in freelance writing. Not only has she maintain her own personal blog for nearly 3 years, she has also spent over a year writing blog posts for other websites. Being immersed in the blogging industry and fast-paced tempo of social media, she understands the conversational nature of blogs, as well as the need to hook a reader within the first few sentences.
During Sarah's freelance career, she has had the opportunity to build and create content for 3 different websites. She has created content from simple bullet-point lists, notes, and sketches from the website owner. Ultimately, she has achieved websites that users find easy to understand and navigate, while also supplying important information.
Since Sarah created her own blog nearly 3 years ago, she also created and continues to maintain and corresponding Facebook page. Sarah has been an avid Facebook user since it began when she was in college. She has watched and learned as the use of the social media network has continuously changed. She understands how conversions and click-through rates are critical, and the best way to grab a readers attention is with a simple lead in.