David has written extensively on business issues, profiling companies and targeting both B2B and consumer audiences. He most enjoys blog posts, humor, web and print articles, white papers and other longer-form content.
In addition to writing, David is an avid fiction writer and has found publishers, including Warner Books, for three horror novels and a novella. In his spare time, he enjoys walking, running, biking and hanging out with his son.
David earned a degree in Advertising from the School of Journalism at Kent State University.
David has written articles profiling businesses, blog posts on behalf of professional service clients (insurance, law, accounting, etc.) and sales/marketing material for numerous Fortune 1000 clients in manufacturing, finance, healthcare, packaged goods, etc.
David has written for a healthcare client base that's included such major hospital systems as Cleveland Clinic, giant insurance companies such as Medical Mutual, the Emerald Health Network and Mountain State Blue Cross & Blue Shield, and suppliers to the industry including Medline and GOJO. He's also written for healthcare consumers in such publications as Cleveland Magazine and Spirit of Women Magazine. In the process he's won several awards for writing from industry group National Healthcare Advertising.
David has ghostwritten blog posts for a NYC/NJ consulting firm, a staffing services payroll funding provider, large law firms and the agribusiness unit of a major insurance company, among many others.
Hundreds of David's articles, columns and essays have appeared in national, regional and local publications aimed at consumers and at readers within such industries as banking, insurance, accounting, business support, decorative concrete and many others.