Carol specializes in biology,biotechnology,biochemistry, and mycology and the creation of expository documents to support research in these fields.
Carol is very interested in expanding writing experience to include additional scientific and technical subjects as well as political and economic analysis.Creative types of writing such as descriptive,narrative or persuasive pieces would be of great interest as well.
Master of Science,The University of North Carolina at Wilmington
Dissertation: Post-ecdysial alterations in EDTA-soluble glycoproteins of Callinectes sapidus cuticle.
Research focus: analysis of glycoprotein modifications temporally related to biomineralization using lectin binding, staining, and calcite crystal nucleation assay techniques.
Extracted and characterized protein from staged crustacean cuticle to determine total carbohydrate as well as lectin binding specificities.
Elucidated modifications in carbohydrate moiety of glycoproteins using digoxigenin labelled lectins.
Thomas H. Shafer, Robert D. Roer, Carol M-L, and Teresa A. Brookins.Cuticle Alteration in the Blue Crab, Callinectes sapidus: Synchronous Changes in Glycoproteins and Mineral Nucleation The Journal of Experimental Zoology 271:171-182 (1995)
Carol attended Fayetteville State University and concentrated on science and biology.
During her years in the biopharmaceutical industry, Carol performed method development and validation work including experimental steps and observations recorded in laboratory notebooks. Based on these laboratory notes and to fulfill FDA and industry requirements, Carol wrote formal reports describing and evaluating the development and validation work. They were archived at the facilities where the work was done and used for reference when developing documents to support quality control testing.
The writing sample is from a validation report on the analysis of a chimeric protein consisting of a diphtheria toxin and a second polypeptide sequence that had affinity for cancer cells. This fusion protein was a unique construction composed of two biologically active parts that would not normally be found within the same protein complex.
Carol is a biologist with a strong background in biotechnology, biochemistry, and mycology. In addition to writing Standard Operating Procedures for use by industry scientists,she has written proposals for scientific studies based upon primary journal articles as well as protocols with explanations of relevant theory for undergraduate biochemistry and molecular biology students.
Throughout her career, the written projects she has created have been designed to clarify complex technical information using concrete, specific language. These documents function as essential tools to the scientist preparing for experiments, collecting data or calibrating equipment.
Carol has most recently been working with fungal species and have an interest in cultivating fungus with medicinal properties as well as being useful for their culinary attributes. I chose a research review about the fungus Pleurotus pulmonarius as my writing sample.
Over the past fifteen years, Carol has been interested in politics and has tried to be alert for biases driven by culture or class as well as false equivalence arguments in political articles. Carol has made hundreds of comments on political articles to discuss the merits of the points made by the authors, as well as to have her own comments critiqued by other readers. She has found that much of what is provided by most major news outlets is driven with an Establishment bias from sources presenting the views of institutions of power in our society while lacking in honest discussions of issues important to many who are outside the circles of power and influence. Carol believes that access to thorough, intellectually honest written content relating to a broad range of political issues is beneficial to the public.
Carol has extensive experience as a biologist in the biotechnology industry. Writing detailed Standard Operating Procedures for Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP) compliant facilities was part of the process of assuring testing would be performed using consistent techniques across the batches of product manufactured. Technical reports were also required to summarize experimental techniques used and results found when new processes were developed or transferred to the testing or manufacturing facility. These documents were retained at the facilities with copies made available to clients. These documentation policies were essential to the effective implementation of GMP.
As an academic instructor and researcher, Carol produced research reports to justify research expenditures as well as syllabi which served to formally provide students and department members with written information regarding course content and expectations of student performance.