Lesley F
Writer #16125
Joined 6/16/2016
6 Star Rating
100% Success
1,065 Projects
12 Endorsements
0 Elite Skills
Lesley graduated from Brown University with a degree in history. Her professional background is in marketing for real estate and financial services firms. In this capacity, Lesley was responsible for composing high-level marketing communications, conducting in-depth research of industry trends and proofreading text. As a freelance writer, she has extensive experience authoring blog posts and articles across a variety of subjects, including law, business, real estate, technology, health and current events.
Real Estate
Blog Post


Professional writing, marketing, research, press releases and blog posts


Law, marketing, current events, technology, health and family issues, travel and education


Brown University

Completed undergraduate degree in Early American History.

Real Estate

93 Projects Completed

Lesley was employed as a marketing associate for a large multi-national real estate agency. In this role, she worked on a number of key marketing materials including offering memoranda and e-mail advertisements aimed at large corporate clients. As a freelance writer, Lesley has put this industry expertise to work for clients seeking blog posts and articles on a wide range of real estate topics.

Blog Post

972 Projects Completed

Lesley has extensive experience writing blog posts on a wide range of topics, ranging from the legal impact of recently-enacted laws to gift guides for Valentine's Day. She understands the necessity for a captivating introductory paragraph, appreciates the differences in tone and voice required depending on the blog and the post's subject matter, and knows when to include a call-to-action in the blog post's conclusion.

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