Content marketing, digital marketing, blog writing, copywriting, website material
eCommerce, health and wellness, email marketing, fitness, healthy eating, dieting, dogs, motorcycles, digital marketing.
Learned proper copyediting techniques to enhance writing skills and editing ability.
Wrote blog targeted towards teaching entrepreneurs how to start and run a business. This centralized around running ads, writing emails, email marketing, and selling online.
Wrote blog posts on how to use software to run an online business. This taught readers how to use specific software services, as well as updated users on new features being released.
Very experienced in writing blog posts focusing on SEO and conversion. Blog posts were used to inform and convince readers, ultimately making them feel comfortable buying a product.
Focused on email automations as a way to onboard new customers. Also used as lead magnet delivery and sales sequences. Automations written as evergreen content to convert ever new user.
Newsletters are created as a way to inform and engage with customers. Wrote newsletter copy for weekly newsletter centered around product releases and new blog posts.