Anita began her content writing career with a focus on education and research writing.
While they remain favorites, Anita shines when allowed to combine a fun narrative voice and marketing strategies, such as SEO.
Lifestyle, how-to's, and informative content are Anita's favorite these days, but she offers a multitude of skills and specialties.
Reading, writing, and politics are part of being a content creator, and Anita loves those aspects.
Anita enjoys the gym and outdoors when she isn't developing content for a client.
As an intense animal lover, Anita volunteers at any pet shelter than lets her.
The preparation for going to a four-year University is priceless, though one tends to learn more about the schema of things that material at the lower level courses.
Specialized classes, obtaining a mentor and finding that path forward is the easy part, oft times finding the next step is what becomes difficult.
The education currently being received is building blocks upon writing skills that two degrees have already begun. The next level of writing and research will only improve knowledge already retained.
Health, life, and auto insurances are an expert because of the calling for them. People have questions and need answers that they can understand rather than jargon that comes off as impossible to comprehend. Steps, top resources, and clients' unique ensure that the quality of work is every ready. The way that health insurance is currently changing, the need for updated material is constant, and research is necessary that requires more than a Google search.
One cannot write and not take into account blogs, articles, and web content about home living. Whether it is a small business or a corporation, the forms of advertising have an enormous scope in the realm of the home living. The topic is broad and covers more than people realize. From living space evaluations to product descriptions, home living is a favorite topic that holds many surprises.
Many businesses work with a strict budget for both time and money. The term comes when someone needs content, whether it is on the web, newsletters, handouts, etc., and the ability to cover a broad range of topics is essential. One can research and learn, while they also write quality content for their clients.
New Web pages pop up every day. As a freelance writer, one may find clients who need assistance in creating content or editing existing content. These jobs regularly come if not daily. Whether it is a white sheet or the first page someone visits, the tone of voice and correct verbiage are necessary dependents on the client.
With the abundance of startups and legacy businesses seeing success using modern technology, often they need social media posts, social media plans, and an overall freelance to promote their business or event. Usually, people do not consider to use a freelance writer for circumstances as to make them more appealing, however, for any company, networking is essential, and that means reaching out to everyone. Articles about botany or chemistry sometimes are requested by small businesses that work in underrepresented models.
Having been a 911 dispatcher for over a decade, one learned about the law, how the code becomes enforced, who applies a particular act, etc. As an administrator, one learned even more about statistics, reports, and how local, state and federal court systems work along with the correctional system. Private and public prisons have both required content work as well as pricing sheets for their facilities.
News cycles are constant, and the current events are a minute to a minute change of topics. Politics are the hottest of issues because of the worldwide wave of the populace, progressive countries that require their content to be factual and also readable. Be it the troubles of Venezuela to the daily American turmoil and uncertainty; the information produced and put out before the next topic comes along. Recording history is an essential aspect of writing.
Experience with Huffington Post.
Planning is essential in Education. Whether it is a daily lesson or a trip to a foreign country, the forward march should be laid out in such a way that everyone, student, and teacher, knows their objectives. Many educators try to "wing" any given lesson which oft times will lead to misdirection and misunderstanding.
Experience in E-textbooks is an important aspect of writing style when approaching education at any level.
Overall knowledge of health and healthy living is a requirement when writing over broad subjects. Every industry from insurance to car maintenance is an aspect to everyday well being and the quality of life. The specific target of health encompasses more complicated material, yet the density does not reduce the importance.
There are those articles that require a snark and snippet that sticks out for an audience. Humor is as cathartic as sadness, and by writing in that voice, one often finds that they can brighten up a person's day with their words. Be it anecdotes or playful tropes; humor is often essential to retain someone's attention.
Gender research is essential to education, equality, and forward movement. In researching the topic, one finds that the separation by gender is a more substantial gap than one may believe. Having research to back up one's claim is also the first basis of any argument, presentation or advisement. The best practice is to have at least three forms of proof of claim to be reliable.
She's had the pleasure of getting into the B2B world, as well as other high tech industries in the last year. She's networked with a lot of different aspects, including hospitality and government sectors.
As a journalist/general writer, she's learned more than even motherhood has taught her. She continues to provide quality, published articles for her local beat while expanding out across the world.
Parenting and education go hand-in-hand. Without one aspect of life, the other does not reach its optimal level.
Blog posts can be tricky. The addition of keywords in a manner that flows can catch the best writer off guard. Learning by doing is the only way to perfect the art of blog posts. Also, knowing the client's voice is essential. Otherwise, it simply will not fit. By learning more each job, the scope of topics has extended in many directions.
Writing hundreds of articles as a freelancer, writing for personal reasons is rare. The enjoyment of pleasing a client only comes with working in collaboration with them. Revisions are not scary. With journalism at its height, the news cycle demands constant attention so that one can report with facts, sources, and reliable information.
Products require descriptions. Sometimes witty and quirky, sometimes entirely factual. Having the ability to mix the two is optimal, and practice makes perfect, or as close as someone can be.
Web content has become a significant factor in the freelance community. Small businesses, as well as substantial corporations, are finding the benefits of having content writers that have no other job description other than the content provider. From a Chamber of Commerce to a local photographer, web pages are more than a pretty picture. They also require lovely words to compliment them.
Descriptions are interesting and exciting to write. Consumer goods are part of consumption, and in many cases, a person is not visual. It is the words, catchphrases, and branding that catches their attention. Knowing how to add that little twist of humor or writing techniques is critical.
Doing descriptions are enjoyable, and assisting companies in advertising give purpose to the writing done with passion. To better another's business or plan of action is to better the skills it takes to market for any companies. The item is objective while the client is who needs to have their standards met and done so with professional and accurate approaches.
Datasheets are something done with its sort of grace and professionalism. Date sheets are required, and I am well organized and particular with my formatting. While the code is still tricky, the entry of information makes sense to me. That is how one researches an organized, sensible way. For a writer, it often comes before an annotated bibliography.
Social Media is a part of everyday life. A large part of SEO business comes directly from Facebook posts, as well as other platforms. The pre-planning for the coming months is the best policy when using Facebook as a way of outreach.
Whether fiction or transcription, academic or business related, words are art. Working for various E-Book companies makes for excellent practice in the craft. Being a well-rounded reading and writer goes for the ability to write in different tones and styles.
Group work that sometimes goes into eBooks also is helpful and required because four eyes are better than two when forming a realistic, yet fiction in most case, eBook of any size or subject matter.