Trisha G
Writer #15135
Joined 4/19/2016
4 Star Rating
20 Projects
0 Endorsements
0 Elite Skills
Trisha has been freelancing part-time since the mid-1990s and earned her Masters in English with a Creative Writing concentration from The University of Memphis in 2001.

She was the nerdy kid who won essay contests and spelling bees in school. She devoured books like most kids devour ice cream. Reading stories were always her adventure, but over time she found she wanted to tell stories. Assignments where she learns something new or meets someone new are the best.

Trisha's prior work has included articles on animal issues and pet welfare. Currently, she writes volunteer profiles for a local independent radio station. There's so much more out there, and to her, nothing is mundane!
Newsletter Content
Non Profit


Profiles, Slice-of-Life, Content, Research


Humor, Health, Beauty, Pets/Animal issues, Interviews, Slice-of-Life, Travel, Flight, Southern US culture, Beat Generation era, Technology


The University of Memphis

Non Profit

20 Projects Completed

Conducting interviews (via e-mail) for volunteer programmers in WEVL FM 89.9's bi-monthly newsletter/program guide.

Research for animal issues/pet welfare for The Lamplighter, a local neighborhood newspaper in Memphis, TN.

Newsletter Content

0 Projects Completed

Profiles of volunteer programmers for WEVL FM 89.9, an independent radio station. Newsletter is published bi-monthly.

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