Jean G
Writer #14890
Joined 4/8/2016
5 Star Rating
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0 Elite Skills
Jean is an experienced R&D scientist and technical writer, with specialization in report and manuscript writing and data analysis. Her background includes expertise in data analysis, manuscript and grant writing, presentation preparation, research and development design and implementation, and design and execution of quality control processes. She has expertise in Biology, Microbiology, Immunology, Virology, and Marine/Physical Science. Her attention to detail and high-organization skills have allowed her to serve well in positions where she works independently, collaborates with other researchers, and meets tight deadlines. She has been published in several peer-reviewed scientific journals, and has also contributed to the review process of other manuscripts submitted by scientists in the field.

Jean has also worked in the education and church setting, where she directs and oversees development of curricula, writing of newsletters and cover articles, distributes publicity (pamphlets, flyers, etc), and works collaboratively with a planning team.

Jean writes creatively as well, with several applications out for fiction contests, a residency fellowship (with publication of novel), and a creative writing grant. She has authored a family-oriented article for an online magazine/blog.


Throughout her career, Jean has developed proficient skills in writing, leadership, customer/client service, collaborations, and publication processes. She has acquired an expanse of scientific skills in the areas of molecular biology, microbiology, immunology, and tissue culture and animal handling. Jean is detailed-orientated, organized, computer savvy, and conscientious.


Jean is a scientist by training, aspiring novelist, part-time education director, and a mom to two nature-loving children. Jean resides in Massachusetts and draws from her interests in history, science, the outdoors, and her family for her writing inspirations. Her long-term goal is to continue with freelance technical, creative, and inspirational writing opportunities and to publish fictional work.


Kutztown University

Jean received a Pennsylvania Academy of Science undergraduate grant for an independent research project that examined the effects of temperature, sodium chloride, and sodium nitrate on the growth of Aeromonas hydrophila, a marine bacterium that is a common cause of gastrointestinal disease in humans and infection in fish. This project integrated both her majors of Biology (with an interest in microbiology) and Marine Science.

Kutztown University

Jean attended the Marine Science Consortium at Wallops Island, Virginia. Coursework included Field Methods in Oceanography, Chemical Oceanography, and Behavior of Marine Organisms. Fieldwork included applying field methods in the ocean, estuary, and marshes, collecting sedimentary and live specimens, and designing and implementing experiments in the field and laboratory.

The Pennsylvania State University

Jean completed her thesis entitled "Mechanisms of cross-priming in vivo: the role of molecular chaperone gp96 and the assessment of temporal viral antigen expression". This research investigated rational vaccine designs that involved priming of CD8+ T cells, elucidated the role of molecular chaperone gp96 in antigen presentation, and examined the effects of temporal regulation of viral antigen expression on antigen presentation.

Jean also served as a teaching assistant for the Medical Microbiology Laboratory. She trained Penn State College of Medicine first year medical students in practical clinical microbiology. Responsibilities included design, organization, and direction of laboratory sessions.


0 Projects Completed

Jean currently is the director of the children's education program at Wesley United Methodist Church, in Worcester, MA. Her responsibilities include fiscal management, curriculum design and implementation, coordination and supervision of 25+ teachers and volunteers, marketing and promotion to families and community, outreach and mission projects, and event planning. She writes monthly newsletters for distribution via print or email, coordinates all publicity for special events (flyers, brochures, posters, and mailings), and writes annual reports.


0 Projects Completed

Jean worked as an Assay Development and Quality assurance scientist for Immune Tolerance Network, Inc from 2004 - 2007 and as a consultant for Consult USA from 2007-2009. ITN is an international clinical research consortium sponsored by the NIH. Their mission is to accelerate development of therapies via clinical and mechanistic studies in the areas of autoimmunity, transplant, and allergy. Currently, there are over 40 clinical studies utilizing 170+ clinical sites. Jean's responsibilities included Research and Development (design, implementation, and analysis), Quality control/quality assurance (QC/QA) monitoring, data interpretation and data entry, report and manuscript preparation, core facility and project management requiring extensive contact with collaborators, vendors, and coworkers, and presentations at seminars and conferences.


0 Projects Completed

Jean has written primary journal articles, newsletters, inspirational pieces, magazine articles, annual reports, research summaries, SOPs, and GLPs. She has written in the fields of science, creative fiction, and education/ministry. Although her background is in technical scientific writing, her later career has focused on creative and inspirational writing as well.

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