Over the years, Samantha has gained a variety of intellectual and problem-solving skills, which help figure out the answers when times seem darkest. Her time management skills continue to be an impeccable asset to her personal business.
In her spare time, Samantha M. performs motherly duties, creating arts and crafts for her children, and takes up a hobby of crocheting along with writing. Her spare time offers peace and tranquility, during periodic times throughout the days.
Samantha G began her high school career knowing that she wanted to become a Medical Professional. Samantha started advanced Biology and English classes. She gradually worked her way to obtaining her Certified Nursing Aide certificate, in 2009. Samantha G graduated high school in May 2010, on her way to South Plains College to fulfil her long-term goal of becoming a Cardio Thoracic Surgeon.
After beginning her Collegiate career, Samantha G quickly realized that Nursing was not her desired goal. She switched to Business Management in hopes of owning a business in the future. Samantha finished her first year of College, looking to return in the Autumn, but other plans were introduced in June of 2011 when she became pregnant.
Samantha continues to generate all natural products for herself and others; currently 2 years. She offers newsletters and bulletins for every person who joins her green product brigade. Samantha instructs other parents to rid of tough acting chemicals by switching skin contact products and other supplies to better their families.
Samantha strives to become a relationship counselor, by offering advice and personal experience. She counsels singles and couples on healthy and un-healthy relationships, from the comfort of her home. Samantha regards relationships of all types, staying on the path for each individual. She has secured the title of relationship Guru from several entities.
Samantha has successfully operated a child daycare from her home for working parents for two years. She has offered child care and cooking classes to teen parents and expectant mothers. Samantha provides a safe and learning environment for victimized women in lieu of being abused by spouses for over a year. She opens her heart and mind to any and every one who needs advice, or counseling to grow throughout their day.
Samantha wrote and published several blog posts in the last six months. She has spoken many times about relationships, health and wellness, and family life. Her devotion with writing blogs expresses her experiences with others, providing advice when necessary and needed for all readers. She continues to grow within the blogging industry.
Samantha self-published a children’s book, with two more upcoming. She thrives on excellence by opting for her own children’s imagination and day-to-day routines. Samantha gives experience of parenthood mixed with childhood, with in between notions. She continues to write about child’s play while working on other titles.