Anne is skilled at engaging the masses with her popular, provocative and authoritative fitness writing. She will motivate you with her views on healthy aging, eating right, personal training, movement, and relaxation.
Want humor and fun in your writing? Let Anne cut through boring jargon and get to the human heart of the subject, where people can relate and not fear fitness.
Need SEO writing that is not rote and robotic? Anne has excited businesses of all kinds, creating passionate prose for gold and silver traders, law firms, moving companies, bird supply sites, tool dyers, and yes - exterminators!
Get help with your voice with Anne's gifted GHOSTWRITING skill. You bring the story, or experience, or know-how, and Anne offers an uncanny ability to better express your innermost thoughts.
Cinema, playing tennis, writing poetry, cooking, eating, swimming, guitar, singing. Athletic training.
English Major; business minor
Exercise Programming, Fitness Assessment, Resistance Training, Flexibility programming, Special populations, Wellness strategies, Business and legal issues
Safe and effective Group Fitness instruction, floor work routines, medical considerations, classes for special populations, seniors, children, mentally challenged, cross-training
Strength-training classes for those aged 65+
Certification to teach simplified version of the Sun style of Tai Chi, for strength, agility, coordination, balance, calmness of mind
Certification to teach sports conditioning specific to the sport of tennis
Anne has had multiple contracts for fitness and health writing, for all populations, in different moods, platforms and mediums. These include:
1. GE.'s MORSEL mobile application promotion; hundreds of tips for everyday fitness, nutrition, shopping , ways to relax, fitness training and brain health.
2. The 2012 Guide to Children's Exercise.
3. Pieces on Bone-building, Drinking Water, Swimming for Health, and Balance for
4. SEO. Multiple-set articles on Olympic Lifting, Nutritional Supplementation, and Health club equipment.
5. BLOGS. Guest blog posts on Leadership and Fitness, Member Motivation, Motivating the Deconditioned.
6. GHOSTWRITING. Authored an e-book for a fitness industry leader with a successful fitness club member retention system.
7. WEBSITES. Wrote 15,000 words on Personal Training, Group Fitness Teaching and becoming a fitness professional for a new Fitness Industry online portal.
Anne uses her writing and publishing nouse to great effect in the nonprofit arena: "in your face with finesse" fundraising letters that generate serious donations, and powerful speeches for thought leaders.
Marketing and publishing, articles on various fitness topics including improving balance, beating Osteoporosis (for men!), Healthy ageing.