Web content, memoirs,sports, historical, politics and news. Fiction.
History, politics, fishing
Tim received a B.A. degree in liberal art studies with honors from Blue Mountain College of Blue Mountain, Mississippi in 1981.
Tim received a Masters in Theology from Mid-America Baptist Theological Seminary of Memphis, TN in 1983.
Tim has written many news articles and op-ed pieces. Some of his work includes, daily submissions for Solutions in Science. Political and various interest articles Tim has written include such topics as: labor unions, domestic drones, the NSA, the U.N. Treaty on Rights, Verizon patents, Gun Control, Minority Rights, and Educational matters.
Extended experience in the use of social media to build platforms for medical and dentistry practices. Tim has written numerous articles, eBooks, and white papers for Digital Solutions, a national company that specializes in assisting physicians and dentists maximize their on-line presence. This experience includes articles about how cosmetic surgeons can write attention grabbing blog content.
Blogs and web sites created by Tim for the medical industry include: Things to Know When Hiring a Social Media Manager, Common Call-to-Action Mistakes in MD Web Design, A Five-Step Healthcare SEO Best Practices Audit, The 2.0 Social Media Physician, Successful Landing Pages for Medical Practices, Essential Steps in Inbound Internet Marketing.
Tim has extensive experience as an advanced reader and publicist for several multi-published authors. Tim's work as a publicist includes obtatining reviews, interviews, and other exposure for published authors as well as publishing volumes for Kinde, Nook, Kobo, and iTunes.
Tim has written numerous small group Bible studies, including a series of Adult and teen studies for Randall House Publishing. Lessons and articles created by Tim include: A Bible Study Survival Guide, Deliberate Discernment, Righting your Relationships, and When Worlds Collide.
Tim has written well over a thousand blog posts for use by business and professionals in a variety of fields. These blog posts include posts for political, writing, new, and educational sites. Tim's experience includes meeting daily and weekly deadlines for time sensitive information. Blog posts have also been created specifically aimed at good SEO results.
Tim has written numerous news articles for local and national web sites. Such articlles include everything from human interest articles to opinion pieces ghost written for sites like Off the Grid News and others.
Tim is proficient in using Adobe In Design and other tools for formatting eBooks in a number of formats including MOBI (Amazon), epub, and formats for Wed viewing.
He has both self-published and published for clients numerous eBooks to Amazon, Barnes and Nobles, and other clearing houses. This includes both fiction, non-fiction, and technical eBooks.
In information technology, a white paper is often a paper written by a lead product designer to explain the philosophy and operation of a product in a marketplace or technology context. Many if not most Web sites for software products include a white paper in addition to a frequently-asked questions (FAQ) page and more detailed product specifications.
Tim has created eBooks for several clients. He has specialized in repurposing information for medical professionals wanting to provide eBooks that offer value added information for patients and clients. Cosmetic surgeons, in particular, have found great value in offering eBooks that their clients can download to read through at their convenience and in the privacy of their home. Tim has also created eBooks for professionals seeking to learn more about how to optimize their web presence.