John D
Writer #12999
Joined 1/7/2016
4 Star Rating
100% Success
91 Projects
0 Endorsements
0 Elite Skills
John started writing in earnest when he was fourteen, completing a hundred-page short story that became the basis for a fantasy novel he completed the summer between junior and senior year of high school and registered with the Copyright Office and Library of Congress. He was also the editor of his school paper throughout high school. In college, John's tenure as his degree program's Teacher's Assistant was marked by his clear dissemination of information in the form of white papers for his technical classes. As a web developer, he has written hundreds of pages of content for Fortune 500 companies as well as small capital ventures around the country. Sadly, his blog was recently lost from the server, wherein his free-thinker ramblings had been posted. He intends to resurrect the blog soon, and currently works on the re-write of his once long-lost novel.
Blog Post


Technical white papers, how-to's / walk-throughs, politics, speech writing, historical background, non-fiction, fiction, web content.


Science, cooking (personal passion), politics (total political junkie), history, current events, speech writing, debate, martial arts (lifelong practitioner), physical fitness.


Vermont Academy

Completed high school with 3.85 GPA in heavy work load of all AP classes; editor of school paper two years; primary newspaper writer and layout guy.

Los Angeles ORT College

Earned Associate's Degree in under a year and was the Teacher's Assistant to the class, co-teaching, developing lesson plans for HTML 5 and CSS3 class specifically; wrote several walk-throughs and white papers for class use; conducted and presented research on latest techniques and trends for the lead professor and for class dissemination.


20 Projects Completed

John built a reputation among friends, family, and peers as a go-to contact for technical support ranging from the Windows OS (98-Win7), Mac OS (Mavericks, Mountain Lion), MS Office Suite (2000 - current), Adobe Creative Suite (7-CC) (as a Teacher's Assistant and tutor), and other various applications over the last 18 years.


0 Projects Completed

John is a reformed conservative who evolved over the last decades to become a passionate and loud-mouthed liberal progressive. A vocal and proud supporter of the Occupy Movement, Elizabeth Warren, and Bernie Sanders, John enjoys flummoxing the Tea Party Republicans and their ilk with references to history, science, and why those things actually matter to the discussion of anything, subscribing to the notion that no one is entitled to their own facts. He keeps a list of logical fallacies handy in his head and on his desk so as to avoid them and to call them out... which those adorable conservatives cannot stand.


50 Projects Completed

John took to public speaking as a teenager, and in his adult life spent nearly a decade as a lay pastor before leaving religion altogether. Before, during, and since then, John has written and delivered countless speeches. It remains his lifelong dream to one day run for political office.

Blog Post

21 Projects Completed

John writes political and social commentary semi-regularly and is an outspoken self-admitted progressive liberal. He relies upon history, peer-reviewed studies, available current data, and science to gird his arguments and welcomes challenges to his viewpoints. The sample below was written in 2004, well before Judge Vaughn Walker took the first swipe at DOMA in his ruling in 2010; his decision echoes the points I made six years beforehand.

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