Ilona K
Writer #12837
Joined 12/9/2015
5 Star Rating
100% Success
28 Projects
0 Endorsements
0 Elite Skills
Some of Ilona's earliest memories center around writing. She wrote and illustrated her first novel when she was eleven. Her latest creations include website user guides for the Federal Aviation Administration and blog articles for a language service provider. Ilona can handle both the serious and sublime. And she does them all with professionalism, wit and a song in her heart.
Blog Post


Specialties include articles used for blogs and white papers on a wide range of topics including: cultural competence, marketing, foreign languages and evolution of language, medical devices failure, to name a few.


writing, painting, languages, art, hiking, gardening, simple living, tiny houses, animals, dogs, nature, nutrition, fitness, healthy eating, living creatively, meditation


Rowan University

Ilona K graduated magna cum laude with a B.A. in Communications (with a concentration in Radio/TV Film) from Rowan University. The writing classes she took there include creative writing, business writing and writing for television.


6 Projects Completed

Working as a government contractor for the Federal Aviation Administration, Ilona wrote user guides to one of the FAA's websites. These websites are generally used by pilots and others within the FAA and rarely by the layman. Here is a pne paragraph example used on the website along with graphs and other photos to help illustrate.


4 Projects Completed

Working for a language service provider (LSP) has offered Ilona opportunities to aid the marketing and social media presence via their blog. Here is one example written by Ilona of how you can tell if a LSP is innovative.

Blog Post

18 Projects Completed

This article is about celebrating family care givers during November, the official Family Care Giver month.

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