Christine specializes in education and foreign languages.
Christine is interested in writing, reading, teaching, exercise, travel, foreign languages.
She loves to share her passions with others whether in person (the classroom or presentations) or on paper through writing and publishing articles beneficial to others.
Christine studied education courses in preparation for certification in her undergraduate specialty of Spanish. Hardworking and industrious, Christine completed ten classes past her Bachelor of Arts degree and passed five certification tests. She did all of this while simultaneously teaching seven classes of Spanish everyday!
Christine completed an undergraduate degree in Spanish. She took a variety of courses in other disciplines. She also worked part-time on campus and graduate cum laude with departmental honors in Spanish.
Christine completed 18 credits of graduate study in Spanish at the University of Maryland.
For the education industry, Christine has been a key writer for this publication. Since its inception several years ago, Christine has provided a wealth of articles on innovative projects in the classroom, as well as cutting-edge trends in foreign language instruction.
Christine wrote a guest post for this career blog. She was invited to write this post due to her timely interest in retirement plan for herself and for other baby boomers. Her article was very well received in the newsletter. It was also selected to be a Facebook Sponsored Article and cycle two times, reaching a wide and varied audience.