Professional and College Football, Professional and College Basketball, Sports Recruiting, Criminology, Psychology, and Travel.
Sports, Hip-Hop, Popular Culture, Criminology, Psychology, Education, Travel, Animals, Food.
Jason earned his Bachelor's Degree from Arizona State University. Jason's Bachelor's Degree is in Psychology.
Jason earned is Master's Degree in Counseling Psychology from the University of Colorado at Denver.
Jason completed the requirements for his doctoral degree in Criminology from the University of South Florida on March 25, 2016. Jason's dissertation was entitled, the "The Relationship Between Psychopathic Personality Traits and Lying."
Jason is well versed in sports and is starting to write extensively in this area. His specialities include Professional and College Football, Professional and College Basketball, and the world of Recruiting.
Jason has limited travel experience, but really enjoys writing about this area and appears to be good at it, your opinion my vary.
Humor is one of Jason's specialities. He does not take himself too seriously and this shows in his work, in a fun way. Please see a small sample from his upcoming book.
Jason has done a variety of blog posts for companies ranging from Groupon to Market Research.Com. He is not overly well versed in the world of computers, but knows enough to blog and readers seem to enjoy what he creates in this realm.
Jason is an experienced Grant Writer, Manager, and Reviewer. The majority of his grant work is in the field of Education.
Jason has recent several minor script specs.