William has been known to specialize in large projects that span multiple formats, including suites of how-to articles and catalogs. He is also the master of the mini, a corsair of compact communication, able to relate a broad range of ideas in a very short space.
William is a multi-instrumentalist who plays primarily fiddle and guitar. He is also a photojournalist with a long string of clients and cover art publications. William reads widely and well on the subject of economics, maritime history and ship/boat construction, and American history.
William was the fair-haired boy of the English Department, and was selected by his professors to serve in the Rhode Island College Writing Center, where he tutored graduate and undergraduate students in the art and craft of academic writing.
William has written reviews for a vast number of theatrical performances throughout his career. As a musician, he has performed for audiences that number in the thousands, has opened for A-list acts and legacy acts. He plays all stringed instruments, as well as keyboards and button accordions. He's a pretty noisy human being, actually. He has acted in plays and starred in movies -- well, instructional movies, anyway. He is an avid consumer of online entertainment, and probably should get out more.
William has used humor in just about every journalistic setting and situation. He has used humor to soften terrible blows, and he has used humor to disarm critical readers. Humor has natural advantages and natural limitations. Humor can help you make a difficult point in a hurry, but humor can repel your readers just as quickly. There has to be a balance between humor and information, and not everyone knows where that is. William does.
William entered the publishing industry as an arts editor and features writer for a small-but-influential alternative newsweekly in the Northeast. He moved on to become assistant editor for a magazine owned by the New York Times Women's Magazine Group; copyedited a daily newspaper for a few years; and most recently helped save a weekly community newspaper from extinction. William has seen a lot of publications come and go, and has some very definite ideas on how this publishing thing should be done in the early 21st Century, from editorial policy to distribution models. William has consulted on web-based newspaper designs, and generated a broad range of quality web copy and SEO products. William's blog is a snarky survey of what works and does not work in the world of online publishing.
William has launched a new blog every 21 days or so for the past 10 years. He's not always impressed with WordPress, but he likes what WordPress can do for someone who doesn't have the time to design and maintain their own web site. He reads certain blogs regularly; he reads one or two religiously.
William originally came to Facebook to find old friends. These days, William goes to Facebook to drive those old friends crazy.