Tyler R
Writer #11836
Joined 6/1/2015
3 Star Rating
120 Projects
0 Endorsements
0 Elite Skills
Tyler earned his degree in Creative and Professional Writing from Carnegie Mellon University. He has worked for multiple marketing and publishing agencies --such as TN Marketing and Ocean Publishing -- as both an editing assistant and online copywriter. Tyler has extensive experience with SEO-friendly content, from blog posts to keyword-incorporated video descriptions. He has also worked as a freelance writer and editor, completing edits on scientific dissertations, press releases for startups, and artists' websites. Finally, Tyler's central focus is fiction; he writes mainly short stories and flash fiction, but also works in poetry and essay form.
Blog Post


Carnegie Mellon University

Tyler earned his degree from CMU with a dual major in Creative Writing and Professional Writing. He established himself as a fiction writer early on, quickly falling in love with the art of making things up. Later on, he discovered the art of telling true stories about the things people work hard at every day.


100 Projects Completed

For the learning center on SaveOnEnergy.com, an online energy supply marketplace, Tyler wrote a blog post about winter weather phenomena that might affect a homeowner's monthly electricity bill as temperatures plummet. The goal of the blog post was to explain the differences between the dreaded polar vortex and other types of winter phenomena. The blog post enjoyed great outreach success, in fact one local weatherman said he would like to provide a link to the story on his website, but the accuracy of the post apparently made him seem like less of an "expert."

Blog Post

20 Projects Completed

While working as a freelance writer for a marketing company, Tyler has written a number of blog posts for lifestyle brands such as photography, motorcycle maintenance and woodworking. Recently, Tyler completed a post for Ultimate Photo Guide that sought to explain the three pillars of photography: aperture, ISO and shutter speed. Tyler used an accompanying diagram which showed the effects of adjusting each of these camera settings.

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