Judi K
Writer #11667
Joined 5/4/2015
4 Star Rating
100% Success
3,838 Projects
6 Endorsements
3 Elite Skills
As a freelance writer, Judi's most recent completed project included several written pieces for an online media company set to launch a new consumer-focused, cutting-edge mortgage information website.

Applying her skills as a business writer, Judi specializes in preparing complex business plans that are required when a candidate is seeking a certain type of USCIS (US Customs and Immigration Service) Visas.

As a free-lance education writer, Judi consistently produces content and ideas to an online continuing education project as a writer/designer/time study analyst.

As a writer/researcher for a managerial oversight company, Judi performed financial and legal research in preparation for written rebuttals she wrote in defense of mortgage/financial repurchase issues asserted by secondary market sources (e.g. FNMA, FHLMC, FHA, VA). As a senior writer for RPM, Judi provided research, ideas, argument layouts and the authorship of a cogent representation of facts regarding problematic financing issues that impacted the loan’s salability. Simply put, she buttressed those violations alleged to be present in loans that had, very often, closed over ten years prior - loans that were already in foreclosure and facing massive amounts of losses.

Judi has also co-launched (with a practicing Psychotherapist of 30+ years) Creative Mind Management - a website dedicated to self awareness and self improvement. This program is currently under review by the National Association of Social Workers for approved continuing education, and has been offered several times in Palm Beach County, Florida.

Judi has an extensive and diverse background within the field of business and real estate, however, much of her career she have also had the privilege of being part of the education and writing communities as well. Judi's business degree from Boston University has a concentration in Statistics, which has allowed her to apply her analytic skills to diverse business applications. These would include her career as an educator where she developed and taught fairly sophisticated levels of Excel and, as a course writer and auditor for online real estate courses for an education company as well.

Judi's financial expertise afforded her the opportunity to run a successful mortgage company specializing in both challenging financial scenarios as well as sophisticated and complex borrower situations. During her career she has held two SEC Licenses that only adds to the diversity and depth of her relevant financial experience.

She has spent the majority of her career as a business owner or independent contractor who understands deadlines and the inherent integrity required to honor them.
Blog Post
Real Estate
Web Page
1 More


Graphical Presentations in Business Writing Situations including videography
Powerpoint Presentations
Semi-Finalist, Best Short Video production - 2017 Les Films de la Toile, St. Denis, Paris
Can handle large projects. My last assignment was an 8 hour course which had work count that exceeded 125,000
Authored a continuing ed course approved by the NASW
President of the Board of Directors of Harbor Towers and Marina


Reiki Master
Associate Polarity Therapy Practitioner
Certified Continuing Education Teacher - NY State
Culinary Thrill Seeker
Ego Videographer


Boston University - Questrom School of Business - Magna Cum Laude

Bachelor's of Science of Business Administration


437 Projects Completed

Judi consistently produces content and ideas for the past seven years to an online continuing education company as a writer/designer/time study analyst.

Real Estate

256 Projects Completed

Judi has been involved in many of facets of real estate since 1981. These include owning a mortgage company, a real estate educator, a real estate course writer as well many legal aspects regarding the real estate industry. Working with four attorneys, Judi has been tasked with strategizing and writing rebuttals for national banks during the mortgage repurchase crisis. Judi has also applied her extensive real estate skills as the President of the Board for the condo in which she lives.


104 Projects Completed

Judi currently contributes to an online media company specializing in presenting the mortgage industry in a cutting-edge, user-friendly digital format. It launches in June 2015. During her career she has held a New York State Mortgage Broker's License, a Florida Community Association Manager's License, a Series 6 and Series 63 SEC Licenses. As a part of the real estate education platform, Judi has written many insurance related articles, listicles, and blog posts on the topics of Homeowners Insurance, Error and Admissions Insurance, Umbrella Insurance, Private Mortgage Insurance, Flood Insurance and Title Insurance and the more difficult concepts of why an insurance premium should not be the sole criteria for selecting appropriate insurance.


76 Projects Completed

Judi is a well seasoned financial authority in the areas of finance, insurance, stocks and mortgages. She has owned a mortgage company for 15 years and currently is a freelance writer for online continuing education course that focus upon finance and all aspects of real estate. She has written continuing education in over 40 different states over the past 10 years.


69 Projects Completed

With her nearly 40 years of real estate experience, Judi has managed many projects side-by-side with a variety of attorneys-at-law. She has been involved in title aspects of the real estate industry and has strategized and written mortgage repurchase rebuttals for national banks and lenders. AS the President of the Board of Harbor Towers and Marina, she is tasked with resolving a variety of issues that range from mediation, air-rights leased spaces for cellular towers, unlicensed contractors and unit owners who refuse to adhere to the condo's by-laws, CCR's and local permitting laws.


63 Projects Completed

For several years Judi was employed as a writer/researcher for an oversight company that generated written rebuttals for mortgage/financial repurchase issues asserted by secondary market sources (i.e. FNMA, FHLMC, FHA). Lenders sought their assistance as a resource for their research as well as the production of a cogent representation of facts regarding problematic financing issues that included alleged violations that impacted the loan's salability. As a forensic auditor she buttressed violations alleged to be present in lending situations.

Blog Post

1,482 Projects Completed

Judi is a well-qualified, seasoned blog post writer. Judi employs a unique creativity to each blog post and appreciates the additional challenge of setting the stage for a surreptitious sales opportunity.


982 Projects Completed

It is Judi's belief that her experience as a writer, business owner, and educator will meet the requirements of the job you seek to fill.

The early direction of her career (and thus her formal education) is business focused, with a strong orientation to math and statistics.

But, as the years passed, she began to write. She was fortunate to have found a role as a teacher, which allowed her to share her business knowledge. Her writing career continues to be a wonderful source of professional satisfaction.

Recently, she has also been able to apply her years of business and writing experience to launch a boutique psycho-educational company she co-owns (Creative Mind Management.com).

The creative aspect of her writing contributions have further evolved to video production.

She looks forward to exploring this opportunity with you further.

Web Page

339 Projects Completed

Judi has written numerous website posts for the past 10 years. She specializes in business, real estate, mortgages, finance, and self-help.


29 Projects Completed

Those seeking American citizenship can choose from among a variety of Visas available to accomplish their goal. Several of these Visa relate to business ventures and financial investments that require submission of detailed business plans. Judi has written business plans for such a purpose that range from the opening of a Wine Making Operation in Orlando Florida to the opening of a Cement Manufacturing Facility in central Florida. She has even written about Brazilians who were planning to open a Funnel Cake Restaurant in Miami, Florida.


1 Projects Completed

Judi has recently co-designed and launched the Creative Mind Management website designed in combination with a proprietary PowerPoint Presentation for self-help workshops that has launched in Palm Beach County, Florida. This presentation/workshop is currently under review by the National Association of Social Workers for approval as continuing education.

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