Jami S
Writer #11618
Joined 4/24/2015
4 Star Rating
40 Projects
0 Endorsements
0 Elite Skills
Jami has experience in both academic and professional writing and has taught professional writing to business and engineering students. She has also worked with non-profit groups to produce fundraising materials and grant proposals. As a freelance writer, she produces blog and other web content designed to strength the companies' image and increase inbound marketing results.
Blog Post


Education, research, instruction manuals


Health and fitness, travel, shopping, teaching, literature, and home decor


10 Projects Completed

Jami has worked as a college writing instructor and administrator. She has trained other educators and worked with professionals from a wide variety of industries to improve their writing.

Blog Post

30 Projects Completed

Jami writes blog post that are informational and persuasive, which highlights a company's integrity while convincing perspective clients to use their service. Jami is a confident and experienced researcher, utilizing that skill she can write informative pieces for almost any industry.

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