Jonathan has specialties in writing about film, be it through reviews or analytic papers. Jonathan is also capable of writing on other subjects so long as he is told what needs to be done and has all his information at hands.
Jonathan's interests include film, video games, books and writing.
Jonathan began his time at Mercy College in September of 2010. There, with the help of his media and journalism classes Jonathan was able to perfect his style of writing. He managed to hold good grades throughout his time which earned him awards in writing as well as being accepted as part of the National Honors Society of Collegiate Scholars. Jonathan graduated with a Bachelor's Degree in Journalism with Program Honors in Media Studies.
Jonathan began his experience in writing about entertainment in high school when he wrote movie reviews for leisure. From there he reviewed films for his school's paper, The Impact, and published thirteen reviews during his time. In recent weeks Jonathan has had two articles published on the online magazine The Artifice with others planned in the near future.
Jonathan has experience in writing about film through both his time on his college's newspaper, The Impact, and through the online magazine The Artifice