Shannon T
Writer #11386
Joined 3/23/2015
3 Star Rating
70 Projects
0 Endorsements
0 Elite Skills
Recently Shannon decided to make a change. She had been writing nearly all her life, but it's only been in the last few years that she discovered others were willing to read it. Starting in 2012, she started posting her short stories on a distribution website and was thrilled when her first story immediately appeared in the premium catalog. It wasn't long before her writing was all over the internet. In 2014, all her hard work paid off when she published her first novel, Halcyon's Guardian.

Thinking back, she realized her experience extended to more than just writing. In 2009, she joined the literary magazine class at Clatsop Community College. There, she learned how much work and teamwork was involved with the printed word.

Moving to Eugene, Ore was one of the hardest decisions of her life, but it also proved to be an important step in her writing career. There she worked for the local department store. Slightly bored with the whole retail experience, Shannon received the opportunity to take over the store newsletter. While at the helm, she took the little rag from a small single page of birthdays and anniversaries to a full-blown four-page spread of stories and advertising that was relevant to the employees.

Now, Shannon is taking the next step on her writing career. Branching out as a freelancer, she has set up her online presence. She now has a personal blog, her own website, and a number of e-books. While she likes to stay within the fantasy genre with her own writing, she's capable of writing nearly anything. Her favorite motto is "With the right research, even the stars are attainable."

For her professional presence, she writes for a blogging company where she consistently receives four and five star reviews on nearly every post. Even though she has only been with the company for a short time, she feels that the site has helped her improve her own writing and is looking forward to branching out with more freelance work.
Blog Post
Newsletter Content


Shannon has a lot of real life experiences that allow her to draw on the compassion, fun, and exuberance that most human interest stories thrive on. Her life experience has given her an excellent well of knowledge to use including, but not limited to, customer service, break-in/car jacking and how to make yourself less of a target, a small portion of the world of self publishing, and moving (both as a child and as an adult).


Shannon's interests lie mainly with the written word. Books and movies will always have a home in her heart, but lately she has been branching out. She likes to learn new things and thinks that part of the fun is being able to find interesting ways to learn new information. Whether online through a search engine or the old fashion way - the library card catalog- she finds that the search makes the information stick.


2 Projects Completed

As a Navy Brat, Shannon has had more than her fair share of travel and moving experience. While most of her life has been in Oregon, she also has lived as far West as Hawaii and as far east as Maine. Most of her traveling has been done in either a plane or a train, but travel by car across the country is not out of the question. She loves to write about tourist places like Seaside Oregon.

Newsletter Content

48 Projects Completed

As the managing editor and lead reporter for the West Eugene Review, Shannon wrote most of the stories, interviews and reports included within. Even thought the Review is a small time newsletter - limited to one store- a few of her articles went online at the Kroger family of stores employee website.


10 Projects Completed

Shannon has been writing and publishing her own books and short stories since 2012 and now has ten available online and one book in print. She writes mainly in the fantasy genre.

Blog Post

10 Projects Completed

Shannon has her own blog named Confessions from a Lonely Heart. While it is still in its infancy, there are some interesting blogs on her post. All of the posts are drawn from her own experience.
Shannon also has submitted a number of blog posts for various topics including Insurance, Vintage toys, soccer equipment and photography tips among others.

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