Meredith S
Writer #11323
Joined 3/10/2015
6 Star Rating
100% Success
14,364 Projects
24 Endorsements
2 Elite Skills
Meredith has completed thousands of writing assignments across a number of different verticals, including technology, real estate, insurance, entertainment, marketing, CBD, and travel. She has a bachelors degree in Psychology and 10+ years of experience in the corporate world. As a rule, she approaches each topic from several angles, so her pieces are as well-rounded as they are useful to the reader.

With a career that spans several industries, Meredith has a practical sense of the world. She works hard to engage the reader with a fresh voice. Her understanding of how and why search engines change their algorithms over time makes her an asset for clients looking to improve their SEO.
Web Development
Real Estate
Home Living
13 More


Blogs, Articles, Travel, Technology, Business, Marketing, Education, SEO, White Papers, User Manuals


When she's not writing articles for clients, Meredith is writing books (so far, largely for herself). When she's not writing at all, she can usually be found on a walk.


Case Western Reserve University

Meredith studied at the #1 school in Ohio, and the high standards helped her appreciate the value of hard work. She took a variety of classes in both the hard and soft sciences, allowing her to get a Big Picture view of the world. Her degree plus her experience in the business world has helped her understand people's motivations so she can create content that will actually connect with the reader.

Real Estate

1,695 Projects Completed

Having written about numerous neighborhoods around the US, Meredith has a good hold on the market. She's also gone through the buying process, which was quite an epic journey in Southern California. She understands the big picture, and why certain areas sink while others rise to the top. Whether it's price per square foot analysis or you just want to motivate someone to buy, she's happy to write about the homes and amenities in any community.


1,211 Projects Completed

Meredith has written static content and blog posts about umbrella, health, life, auto, commercial, home, boat and non-profit insurance. She is familiar with the variance of laws depending on where one lives as well as the risk assessment process.


861 Projects Completed

Meredith has covered marketing, detailing, product descriptions, insurance, restoration, mechanics, and safety practices. She has a solid grasp on the basic internal structure of electric, hybrid, automatic and standard vehicles.


690 Projects Completed

After working in offices in several industries for well over a decade, Meredith has seen many of the same pitfalls that managers, staff members, and CEOs struggle with when they work with a team. To combat inefficiency everywhere, her writing focuses on how offices can streamline their systems while still accounting for future changes in their industry.


492 Projects Completed

At the risk of being punny, Meredith isn't a know it all, but she is a wrote it all. Gun assembly, water filters, new welding techniques, the benefits of aromatherapy, how to work with kids: there's really no subject that's off-limits to her. While she may have expertise in select areas, she's happy to tackle whatever it is to the best of her ability.


429 Projects Completed

Meredith has written extensively about fintech, and she's also done articles about correspondent lenders, DTI ratios and investment strategies. She has read practically every contemporary book on economics, and is fascinated by the point where Psychology and money management intersect. To borrow the philosophy of her favorite author of all time, Steven Levitt, economics is all about following the incentives.


377 Projects Completed

Meredith has worked for a company that promotes the virtues of virtual currency. She spent 40 hours a week researching current news and price trends about Bitcoin, Litecoin, Dash, Ether and many more. She's covered SaaS, SAP, cloud hosting enterprises, Raspberry Pi, SIEM Security and CRM platforms. She also researches and writes about current developments in payment processing like mobile payment technology and advanced POS systems.

Meredith was recently chosen by Newegg to complete reviews for their Unlocked project as a partner of Intel. She tests (and judges) phones, laptops, tablets and hybrid models and then writes detailed reviews about them. She's studied basic command codes for C# and C++. Her closest friends seem to be entirely made up of extremely dedicated PHP developers and she's learned a great deal by asking questions and sometimes through sitting in on conversations she never would have started. She writes about privacy, hacking and general internet security on a regular basis, and can tell you everything you'd want to know about hacking threats.


320 Projects Completed

Meredith has written for students looking to transition to trade schools and about general trends in education. She understands how important it is to write relevant information in what is an increasingly changing landscape and culture for students of all ages. With the advance of technology, the priorities of the workforce in the future will be very different than they are today. She's confident she can give valuable information amidst the changes to ensure people make valuable choices in their careers.


265 Projects Completed

Meredith used to be pre-med as a Biology major in her school, and she remains fascinated by the human body and how much we still don't know about it. She's happy to write about natural remedies and standard medical supplies alike. She follows the blogs of doctors and regularly reads about everything from neuroscience to gene sequencing. One dream of hers is to make high-level medical textbooks entertaining to read.


230 Projects Completed

Meredith has helped the marketing department of her company several times over her time in the travel industry. She has written countless business letters as well as more creative pieces describing the cities the passengers will visit along their journey. She's been to Europe three times on different river cruises to familiarize herself with the product, and has traveled to most of the US states as well.


220 Projects Completed

As an avid exerciser, Meredith understands the clear and present dangers of disease in America and the wider world. Healthy habits are difficult to ingrain in people today, but that doesn't mean she's going to stop trying. This is not necessarily about education as people already know that many of their choices will lead them down the wrong path. She focuses on finding new angles, and motivating people for real change. She was also a Biology major in her early college career, and has a good understanding of how the tiniest parts of our bodies can be strengthened or decimated.


208 Projects Completed

Meredith has written about the law pertaining to everything from drunk driving to gardening. She spins content into simple-to-understand blog posts and promotes the virtues of a personal attorney's services on landing pages.


206 Projects Completed

Meredith has written about basic home maintenance and new building construction. She has completed articles about roof replacement, wine cellar installation, and HVAC/electrical repairs. While she may not necessarily have the hands to do the work herself, she understands the basic steps behind them and can explain them in a natural tone.

Home Living

190 Projects Completed

Meredith has lived in 6 different states before settling in California and has traveled to almost all of the others. It has made her far more aware of what it means to actually appreciate home life, and she's written about everything from gardening to summer projects around the house. She can make the reader actually excited about the payoff that comes from enhancing their everyday surroundings.


172 Projects Completed

Meredith doesn't make a division between marketing and her work. All writing is marketing something, whether it's a person, service, opinion, product or story. She's worked at 2 small businesses where she focused extensively on their marketing strategies. She has thousands of words written about hundreds of ideas and generates pitch ideas constantly for companies of every kind.

Web Development

147 Projects Completed

In addition to having an Elite status for Technology, Meredith also has done dozens of articles and blog posts specializing in web development. Marketing and development go hand in hand, so choose her if you need posts about the most efficient ways to get it done.


147 Projects Completed

Meredith has both written about and lived through several types of office cultures. Offices can feel stifling for many employees, and she works to highlight how to increase productivity amongst employees without sacrificing quality. Part of the reason we see so many start-ups today is because people are trying to create an office life that they can't find anywhere else. Meredith gives both traditional and new strategies an honest look for a refreshing opinion.


118 Projects Completed

Meredith worked for a company called 1st Class Fashion as a copywriter. While initially hired to write for their new perfume, she also did plenty of copy for their fashion website as well. She came up with countless marketing ideas and understands the challenges that stand between both men and women and their perfect outfit.


86 Projects Completed

Meredith has been an outdoor lover from way back, though she'd prefer to sleep in a bed at the end of the day. She hikes quite a bit in California, and especially enjoys the cooler breezes that come with the long walks she takes on the beach nearly every Saturday morning.


67 Projects Completed

Meredith grew up with cats, and now has one of her own. She's also taken care of dogs for both her parents and friends. Pets require a lot of work, but their benefits are clear. She loves writing about tips for pet owners to have an easier (and more fulfilling) time with their beloved companion.


50 Projects Completed

Meredith lives in Los Angeles, and takes full advantage of the entertainment world. From studio tours to nervously (and obnoxiously) approaching the celebrities she sees, it's hard not to catch the cinephile virus. With friends in the industry, she's picked up more information about storyboarding, film acquisitions and camera work than she can share in this limited space. She keeps up on industry news, and goes to the theater, opera and symphony as often as she can. If you need to promote anything new within the entertainment world, Meredith can do it with a passion.

Blog Post

6,181 Projects Completed

Having successfully published hundreds of blog posts, Meredith feels entirely capable of nailing the conversational tone necessary for websites today. Having written about everything from RV adventures to small business marketing, she understands a good blog will instruct, promote and entertain without overwhelming the reader. Regardless of whether or not people read blogs, search algorithms everywhere need quality writing that weaves keywords in before boosting the rankings of a page. She is always conscious of this fact, and continuously watches for subtle shifts in how that algorithm may change over time.


2 Projects Completed

Meredith worked at a tech start-up which aimed to put all home services online. She was tasked to translate thousands of plumbing and electrical terms into consumer friendly language.

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