Cara W
Writer #10920
Joined 12/6/2014
4 Star Rating
100% Success
272 Projects
0 Endorsements
0 Elite Skills
Cara is an avid writer and content marketer who can create exceptional content for websites and blogs. She is well-versed in the most up-to-date SEO practices, and through the integration and proper placement of keywords, can weave together words in a way that is guaranteed to achieve high rankings and hits. Between her intensive researching abilities and diverse writing styles, she can create clever and compelling content on any topic. Her topics of specialty include animal behaviorism, business, environmentalism, gardening, and health.
Blog Post


Cara is an expert gardener who has been studying and practicing sustainable gardening techniques for over a decade. In the summer of 2012, she received her Permaculture Design Certification from Colorado Mesa University. She is also an expert in animal behaviorism and has extensive experience in training dogs, as well as providing care to a variety of domestic house pets and livestock. Though her writing abilities vary, she specializes in journalism, marketing content, persuasive content, and product copy.


Cara enjoys a variety of outdoor activities such as biking, camping, fishing, hiking, and kayaking. She loves to travel and has visited numerous countries, as well as extensively toured the United States. In her free time, she enjoys reading, gardening, and playing with her dog.


52 Projects Completed

Cara has always had a passion for finance, particularly concerning frugality, saving, and investing. She has written numerous articles on personal finance, investing, money management, and saving for retirement. She particularly enjoys writing articles pertaining to cost-cutting tactics in order to lower overhead expenses and improve revenue within a business.


50 Projects Completed

Cara is an avid gardener and agriculturists with a passion for sustainable food production. She has worked on farms for the past five summers, and in the summer of 2012, she earned her Permaculture Design Certification from Colorado Mesa University. She has had the opportunity to write a number of informative gardening how-to articles, as well as articles pertaining to sustainability and permaculture.


30 Projects Completed

Cara has worked with several small businesses and websites in designing fitness-oriented content for the reader. She has written product reviews and descriptions on a variety of fitness equipment and has written numerous articles regarding weight loss and dietary trends. Most recently, she had the opportunity to write numerous articles for a running website that focused on sports-related injuries.

Blog Post

140 Projects Completed

Cara possesses extensive blogging experience, as both a ghostwriter and personal blogger. She works with a diverse range of companies in producing weekly blog content that is geared toward increasing readership on the site and promoting their products and services. Her writing abilities vary greatly, enabling her to write compelling content for any niche.

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