Lisa'a specialty is in general copywriting, landing pages, blogging, feature articles, interviews, and research-oriented copy that is SEO friendly and will build the online reputation of a brand.
Her interests include reading, nutrition, hiking, enjoying undiscovered little restaurants, good conversation and travel with a focus on nature, history and/or the arts.
Lisa received her BA at Dowling College in Oakdale, NY. He graduated with honors in the field of English Literature and Elementary Education. She was the only selected student who participated in Dowling College's student, teacher and staff think tank. She won an award in Humanities when participating in a writer's competition focused on the northeast coast of colleges in the U.S in 2000.
Lisa was a member of the 2007 graduating class of the Swedish Institute in New York. Her study was in the field of massage therapy with a focus on Eastern studies. She worked full-time as a licensed massage therapist for the following three years.
Lisa wrote copy as part of the in-house marketing efforts at the Equinox gyms as the manager of the Equinox Spa. She is a licensed massage therapist with five years of experience in medical massage. Her online efforts helped to strengthen relationships with clients by educating them on benefits of services, special packages and offerings by the staff. She also writes and hosts an online nutrition group, Mindful Eaters, focused on healthy eating habits.
Lisa D. writes informative pieces to enable the average person to understand some of the complexities of the real estate market. She also enjoys showcasing community amenities to families seeking to relocate. Purchasing a home is serious business, but it need not be complicated.
Lisa D. has been writing intensively about medical billing and coding. This area has become very important with the change to ICD-10 and many providers worry about how it will impact their practice. She writes about expectations in general, coding exceptions, and how to ramp up the practice for the change.
Lisa D. continues to write consistent, high-quality actionable articles on technical topics that often involve audience engagement on multichannel social media outlets. Companies that want to offer valuable content to customers and those who want high-authority articles, turn to Lisa D.
Lisa D. writes blogs and landing page content addressing those planning for retirement. She speaks about the real concerns of retirees and how to prepare now for a secure financial future.
She assisted in work projects for clients with English as a second language. These projects range from presentations to articles.
Lisa has written on topics of wealth management, banking regulations, learning how to budget and repair credit. Content is engaging, concise, and has a clear call to action.
Lisa traveled to Italy, Spain, England, Andorra, Morocco, France, Hungary, Turkey, Poland, and the Czech Republic. During her time living abroad in Moscow, Russia, she traveled to the highlights of that country- St. Petersburg, the Altai Mountains and the ' Golden Ring' towns. She recently relocated back to New York and looks forward to doing more exploring in her own backyard.
Lisa is qualified to assist in writing SEO friendly content that provides valuable information to your online customer base. It is not all about the metatext or the number of times selected keywords are used. Times are changing and will continue to do so. Content needs to adapt to attract the desired customer base and drive qualified leads. Lisa continues to develop and adapt her writing style to the needs of the clients and demands of the online medium.
Lisa writes concise, intelligent reviews of trending news and developments. Clients offer resources and Lisa writes their next tightly-written blog.
Lisa writes on topics such as EMV chip card technology and medical billing software. Clean writing and real takeaways make her content evergreen.
Lisa D. writes educational blogs on evergreen and emerging manufacturing and supply chain industry issues. She uses authoritative sources to craft articles and blogs that are of practical use for organizations with a global supply chain.
Lisa writes landing pages and blogs for the automotive industry. Here work is clear and concise. Concepts are delivered in a professional tone that avoids jargon and breaks down new concepts for the audience or consumer.
Lisa D. takes pride in writing blogs and other types of content about transportation, regulations and available insider knowledge. There is so much to see and do and Lisa wants every traveler to be able to take advantage of the opportunity.
Lisa D. loves helping families connect and providing ways to engage children. She researches your area or a particular topic and comes up with fun, budget-friendly ways to get families out and about.
Lisa D. writes passionately about nutrition, wellness and the rise of functional medicine, essentially how to use food choices to improve our health and well-being naturally. She offers content that is authoritative but speaks to the audience with clear takeaways for readers.
Lisa D. writes blogs and articles about web design and development that take into account her consummate research skills, her development of her own websites, and online marketing requirements. Readers get clear take-aways from reading her insightful pieces.
Lisa's extensive research provides a quality high-end product, even for niche subjects. In fact, the more unusual the better as it gives Lisa an opportunity to learn something new herself.
Lisa works to provide a press release that grabs attention and puts a face on your company. These press releases offer new and noteworthy services to your audience in a concise, lively and professional style.
Lisa has written and rewritten landing pages for clients with very specific niches. Her clear, well-organized way of providing information creates conversion rates for clients as solutions are clearly presented to the problems that face a client's target audience.
Lisa D. has highly-relevant experience composing speeches and presentations across industries. Lesson planning, as a teacher, requires the ability to organize content systematically and find places to engage the audience. She has done this for a wide-range of age groups and specific needs. She has helped non-native English speakers improve their creation and delivery of speeches and presentations to professional organizations. Her content comes across both as real and persuasive.