Savannah is experienced with a variety of topics, but her most popular articles are in the home and garden, business, finance, health and wellness, and entertainment categories. She has substantial experience with copywriting, SEO and blogging, as well.
In her spare time, Savannah enjoys decorating and making unique crafts. She spends at least one evening each week sewing for her friends and family. Her home is decorated with furniture she refinished and signs and knickknacks she hand-crafted.
Most of her vacations are spent at Disney World, though she loves to travel to almost any destination.
Like many writers, she also enjoys reading other people's work and is known to curl up with a good book, should the occasion arise.
When she's not doing anything else, she enjoys watching television. She writes weekly recaps and other entertainment posts on her personal blog.
Savannah attends college at Athens State University with an anticipated graduation date of December 2015. She is pursuing a bachelor of science degree in accounting with a minor in English.
She worked in an office setting for nearly 15 years, and much of her professional writing experience revolves around small to medium businesses.
She has worked for several HVAC contractors, a general contractor, an insulation contractor, and a masonry contractor. She also has a degree in business. Construction is one of her specialties, and she's written extensively within this niche.
Savannah has completed numerous business articles on a variety of topics, including accounting, taxes, operations, advertising, and more. She worked as an accountant for nearly 15 years before transitioning to a full-time writing career. At one company, Savannah was responsible for all of the bookkeeping, taxes, advertising, payroll, and customer service, so she has extensive experience in the business industry.
She's a foster, adoptive, and biological parent with four children. She is also the oldest of four children, the oldest of 15 grandchildren, and has over 20 nieces and nephews. She worked in a daycare as well. She has written many articles and blog posts within the kids/family/parenting niches. She also maintains a personal blog about parenting and motherhood.
Savannah has completed many articles in the health industry. Topics range from women's health and fertility issues to natural health and alternative medicine treatments. She has experience with a variety of health issues and never hesitates to research issues thoroughly, should the need arise. Sources are always cited appropriately in her articles.
Savannah has completed hundreds of blog posts for various sites, and she posts content for two of her own websites as well. Topics range widely, with home and garden, business, finance, travel and entertainment being the predominant categories. She strives to write well for SEO, incorporating keywords so they flow seamlessly within the content. Her goal with a well-written blog post is to provide important information in a streamlined format that is easily discoverable online.
Savannah has thorough experience writing well-researched, informative articles for various publications. Articles cover an array of topics, including politics, health and wellness, finance, business, real estate and others. With articles, she focuses on delivering important information in a factual, credible manner. Her writing is authoritative, fact-checked and thoroughly edited before submission.