Leigh has written extensively on a range of topics for both B2B and B2C audiences. Specialties of Leigh's include blog posts and informative articles (with or without a call to action), along with promotional pieces and balanced ("newsy") style content. She also has extensive experience writing web pages and blog posts with SEO in mind, integrating key phrases, and working with Clearscope and similar tools.
Weaving current trends, studies, and events into any type of content is another of Leigh's strengths, especially integrating the latest news in the careers, tech, and business sectors. She also has a high interest in the societal effects of technology and how it has touched all facets of life.
Leigh loves to take photos, especially in her local surroundings. With her high interest in history, living in the D.C. area provides many opportunities to explore with her camera. She is also an active blogger. Other random interests and hobbies include gardening, movies, Star Wars, Disney, and home improvement (where she still needs improvement but has learned a lot!)
Having returned to community college as an adult to finish her associate's degree, Leigh immediately took this degree and transferred to a 4-year program at Empire where she could continue her education, putting a focus on business, management, and technology.
After completing her degree at Empire State College, Leigh took a six-month break and then jumped right back into learning. She graduated from Keller with an MBA with a concentration in Information Security.
Leigh earned an Associate's Degree in Liberal Arts/Social Sciences, however, many of her electives were business and technology courses. As a result, she also pursued a one-year Help Desk Certificate from Westchester Community College after graduation.
Leigh has written hundreds of pieces of content relating to data breaches, B2B, marketing, social media, branding, content marketing, cybersecurity, finance, organizational behavior, outsourcing, human resources, and strategic tech. These are just a handful of the topics Leigh has covered in her business writing. Most of her articles have been ghost-written for companies and thousands of others have been hosted on various content sites and blogs.
Career-related topics are one of Leigh's favorite subjects to research and write about for both recruiter/hiring manager and job seeker audiences. She has written on an assortment of topics, including job searches, interviews, resumes, office conflicts, job market trends, job-hopping, measuring your online reputation, and cover and resignation letters, along with dozens of other career topics of interest. Other subjects she has covered include different types of career opportunities (and the education needed to get there), along with generational working preferences.
Legal topics Leigh has written about are mostly related to personal injury, medical malpractice, accidents, and family law. She has also written some criminal law content.
Topics researched and written include motorcycle and auto accidents, traumatic brain injury, divorce, COVID-19, immigration, railroad accidents, DUI, foreclosures, traffic infractions, debt settlement, mesothelioma, and bail bonds. She's also written general attorney pages, blog posts, and much more. Her experience includes writing for independent attorney websites and for prominent referral legal websites on the web. Many of her clients request her to weave specific keywords to increase SEO value which she has become skilled at. She has also written about the federal and state laws associated with different legal issues.
Leigh's writing experience when it comes to personal finance topics is diverse. Her portfolio consists of money-related topics includes identity theft, money management, debt, credit, real estate, 529 accounts, insurance, estate planning, and retirement planning.
Leigh's portfolio includes topics relating to office equipment, office technology (i.e. multi-function printers), remote offices, smart offices, office design, and home office design. In addition to writing about topics relating to offices, her personal work experience includes working in an office environment performing routine administrative tasks, along with several other workflow processes.
In her writing, Leigh has covered several aspects of real estate and related topics targeted to both homeowner and homebuyer audiences. She's also written pieces geared towards real estate professionals, along with topics of interest they can distribute to their clients. In a year-long assignment, she had ghostwritten articles about retirement communities for a property management company and topics that would be of interest to this audience.
Leigh has written hundreds of articles on various travel topics for clients (primarily US-based). Much of her other experience in travel has been written for her blog and published on various content websites. She has taken many travel-related photos in her home region of Washington D.C., along with other places she has visited and enjoys sharing these with her written experiences.
Staffing is one of Leigh's favorite niches. From B2B advice to writing job descriptions to just about any topic hiring managers or recruiters would be interested in, she has written hundreds (or more!) of articles over the years that relate to all things staffing.
Leigh's graduate and undergraduate degrees both have a technology concentration. She also earned a help desk certificate along the way. Her writing experience covers a broad range of IT including strategic ways organizations can leverage technology, management of technology, and cybersecurity. Other tech areas in her portfolio include mobile, IoT, artificial intelligence, smart tech, infosec, cloud, and other cool tech trends.
Over the years Leigh has frequently written about technology, primarily on new trends and how tech affects society. She also has a high interest in the ways businesses use technology for strategic advantages, along with considering the ethical implications of using certain types of tech. Topics she's written about include artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, purchasing or leasing office equipment, smart technology, copier maintenance, biometrics, cybersecurity, mobile marketing, and more.
Leigh has written and ghostwritten numerous articles relating to finance, including identify theft, credit theft, credit cards, buying a home, various fraud topics (business and consumer), ATM skimming, reducing debt, credit scores, retirement, 401(k), and other miscellaneous topics related to personal finance. Leigh has also worked on long-term projects where she fact-checked articles related to credit cards and banking, including one for a prominent credit website. She also manages a personal finance blog where she writes about topics related to money.
Leigh has written for many companies covering topics that relate to search marketing. including but not limited to content marketing, SEO, and social media. In a prior capacity, she worked heavily with keywords/phrases and optimizing content. These days she prefers to write about search marketing topics, but is always happy to try to integrate keywords and other strategies in the content she writes.
Leigh has held a high interest in e-commerce since she took her first e-commerce course in 2004. Over the years she's observed and written about different trends and strategies companies use.
Over the years Leigh has studied and researched many aspects of marketing as it's a topic she enjoys following and/or learning the latest trends. Her marketing writing experience ranges from content marketing to social media to tradeshows and much in between.
To date, Leigh has ghostwritten several articles about home security, real estate, and HVAC, along with other informative articles related to home living on miscellaneous topics (i.e. choosing carpet, doing renovations, green living, etc.)
Leigh enjoys writing about higher education subjects. Between her own college experiences as an adult student and her professional background of working in a community college, she has used her acquired knowledge along with supplemental research to cover numerous topics which include college accreditation, MBA degrees, online schools, scholarships, STEM, IT degrees, liberal arts, and gen ed, college majors, and the FAFSA process. Her work has appeared on college websites, in educational magazines, and in promotional emails.
Leigh holds an MBA with a concentration in cybersecurity. It was once her intention to enter this industry but life took a different turn. Today, she enjoys writing about topics relating to the business side of cybersecurity, why organizations should invest in it, and the high costs suffered when the security of digital assets is not prioritized.
Leigh has recently been ghostwriting content relating to green living, primarily from a real estate perspective (i.e. adding green components to increase the value and appeal of a home). She's also written for a company that specializes in financing big-ticket green items.
Leigh has ghostwritten several health-related pieces for medical websites (i.e. urgent care) and for companies that provide special needs services. She also has written numerous articles about traumatic brain injury. As a caretaker, she has first-hand knowledge of the challenges and milestones people with head injuries experience. Her portfolio includes articles written about autism, health news (i.e. studies) and trending topics which were written for clients or hosted on various websites.
AI is one of the newest topics Leigh has added to her writing portfolio. She's found it intriguing to learn how many businesses are integrating this technology into their processes.
Leigh previously supplied content for a content marketing company for its blog. Additionally, she has ghostwritten thousands of blog posts for various other types of industries, including but not limited to, legal, staffing, content marketing, personal finance, travel, home living, and health. She is able to skillfully write blog posts geared toward both B2B and B2C audiences.
Leigh has written hundreds of informative articles for various clients and agencies. She loves to do research and likes to include statistics, fun facts, or other details in her articles to enhance the value of the information she's presenting.
Leigh has written web page content for companies of various industries, including legal, tech, home living, and staffing, along with specialized content for various other types of businesses.