Blogging, Writing, Journalism, Photography, Content Marketing, SEO
Photography, Travel, Writing, Trains, History
Todd D is a graduate of Denison University in Granville, Ohio. As part of his studies, he wrote "The Impact of Song on the Civil War," an examination of how soldiers told the story of the Civil War through song.
As a marketer and public relations practitioner, Todd guides clients’ strategies for developing content, responding to issues and overseeing the execution of media relations, social media and events. Highlights of his experience include the development of bylines, articles, releases, presentations, speeches and online communications for blogs and social channels; management of web content for several clients, including newsroom content, social media channels and overall web updates; and cultivating extensive relationships with reporters covering key client industries, including business, politics, logistics and healthcare.
Todd D is an accomplished writer. A former award-winning journalists, he has written for a number of traditional and online publications. During his career, he has written about business, politics, travel and sports. He is also an accomplished photographer.
Todd D is an avid blogger, maintaing websites focused on business, news, railroads and travel. He started his career as a newspaper reporter and has embraced new media to further his skills. Todd is adept at using social media to engage audiences and tell stories.