Translator #44100
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After receiving PhD in Analytical Chemistry from Tufts University, Hao Chen had been working as a research scientist with a focus on analytical chemistry and environmental science in China and had been involved in a range of environmental policy relevant activities and studies. He has published a number of peer-reviewed papers written in English in scientific journals and has generated several English reports (related to marine litter, or marine debris) under the support of United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) or National Geographic Society (NGS)of US. He is currently working as a technical translator/Chinese linguist for an IT-related company.
He can do English-to-Chinese translation AND Chinese-to-English translation. For the latter, he is especially good at academic translation.



Language Projects

  • English (US) to Chinese (Simplified)10+

Summary of Language Experience

English (US) to Chinese (Simplified)

Hao has experience translating English into simplified Chinese ever since his college studies. It includes scientific translation, e.g. translation of a whole chapter of an English report into Chinese for circulation among Chinese users. It also includes translation of non-scientific texts from English to simplified Chinese, for example the translation of an international conference/workshop agenda.

Industry Projects

  • Gaming10+

Summary of Industry Experience


Hao is currently working as a localizer for Xbox in an IT company. The localization includes not only translation of Xbox software user interface (UI) from English to Chinese locale, but translation of game description.

Product Projects

  • Brochure20+

Summary of Product Experience


Hao has translated many brochures from English to Chinese. The brochures are from governments, non-profit organizations and international organizations such as UNEP. The purpose of the translation is for outreach, education and to raise public awareness. Hao also has experience in translating industrial product-related documents to Chinese locale.

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