Translator #43772
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Sumru has been a freelance translator since 2012. She was one of the 6 people chosen to be trained at the leading localization company in Turkey. She completed the training successfully and she has been working as a professional freelance translator since. She has translated texts in various domains including IT, software, help documents, manuals, marketing and tourism.



Language Projects

  • English (US) to Turkish1,000+

Summary of Language Experience

English (US) to Turkish

Sumru has been translating in this language pair for 4 years. As she studied at an American school for 7 years (age 11 to 18) she knows American culture and language really well.

Industry Projects

  • Software1,000+

Summary of Industry Experience


With her engineering background, Software is one of the areas Sumru is most successful at. She has worked on translations of UIs, web pages, manuals and help documents for the Software industry. Her translations were used for many applications.

Product Projects

  • Web Page500+

Summary of Product Experience

Web Page

Sumru has translated over 500 projects for webpages of companies like Microsoft, Apple, Sony, Netflix and many more. She has worked on both help documents and marketing texts for these leading companies.

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