Anna grew up in a Portuguese- and English-speaking household and loved the opportunities being bilingual afforded her to create understanding between individuals. In college, she decided to study another language to be able to communicate with even more people. While earning her Bachelor of Arts in Spanish at the University of North Carolina at Greensboro and since graduating in 2013, she has thoroughly enjoyed her translating responsibilities in internships, research activities, service-learning roles, volunteering, and other work, mostly in medical settings. She is looking forward to continuing to facilitate meaningful interactions between English, Spanish, and Portuguese speakers through freelance work.
Language Projects
Spanish (South America) to English (US)100+
Portuguese (Brazil) to English (US)100+
English (US) to Portuguese (Brazil)100+
Summary of Language Experience
Spanish (South America) to English (US)
Anna has translated Spanish into her co-native language of English during and since earning her Bachelor of Arts in Spanish (about six years). She studied abroad in Costa Rica and has experience interpreting for Spanish-speaking families and English speakers in clinics, pharmacies, hospitals, universities, and other settings.
Portuguese (Brazil) to English (US)
Anna learned to speak English and Portuguese simultaneously as a child. She has enjoyed visiting family in Brazil often throughout her life but was educated from kindergarten through university in the U.S. Throughout her life, she has routinely and extensively interpreted communications between Portuguese-speaking classmates, family, and friends, as well as translated information for their schooling, occupational, medical, and other needs. She has especially enjoyed helping members of her extended Brazilian family function and adapt who visited and, in some cases moved to, the U.S.
English (US) to Portuguese (Brazil)
Anna learned to speak English and Portuguese simultaneously as a child. She has enjoyed visiting family in Brazil often throughout her life but was educated from kindergarten through university in the U.S. Throughout her life, she has routinely and extensively interpreted communications between Portuguese-speaking classmates, family, and friends, as well as translated information for their schooling, occupational, medical, and other needs. She has especially enjoyed helping members of her extended Brazilian family function and adapt who visited and, in some cases moved to, the U.S.
Industry Projects
Summary of Industry Experience
Anna has experience translating and interpreting in medical settings in both the U.S. and Costa Rica. She has worked alongside other Spanish- and English-speakers, and in places where she was the only person available to bridge the language divide. She has over a year of medical training and over two years of translating experience in medical settings, which help her to accurately and efficiently help individuals communicate during some of the most difficult times in their lives.
Product Projects
Summary of Product Experience
Anna has experience translating and interpreting in medical settings in both the U.S. and Costa Rica. She has worked alongside other Spanish- and English-speakers, and in places where she was the only person available to bridge the language divide. She has over a year of medical training and over two years of translating experience in medical settings, which help her to accurately and efficiently help individuals communicate during some of the most difficult times in their lives.