Translator #43291
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Marina has been a freelance translator for 20 years. Besides doing paid work, she also does probono work for Translators Without Borders and The Rosetta Foundation. As she works at home, she has full-time availability.



Language Projects

  • Portuguese (Brazil) to English (UK)1,000+

Summary of Language Experience

Portuguese (Brazil) to English (UK)

Marina has been translating from Portuguese (Brazil) to English for 20 years. She is a native speaker of both languages so she can also translate from English to Portuguese (Brazil).

Industry Projects

  • Medical10+

Summary of Industry Experience


Marina has translated medical and pharmaceutical studies for several clients, as well as hospital records for patients.

Product Projects

  • Newsletter Content20+

Summary of Product Experience

Newsletter Content

Marina has translated many newsletters for different companies, especially in the oil & gas industry.

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