Translator #42893
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Giselle is a US-trained journalist, but translating has always been her way of life. Ever since she was born in a bilingual family (French/Spanish); when she attended English-language school and college and graduated from Columbia University; when she served as press reporter for the UN General Secretariat in NYC; in her subsequent work in Brussels at the EU Commission, and as press liaison and publications editor at the Latin American Integration Association.
Now she is a full-time freelance translator/editor for public and international organizations, and at regional conferences in Montevideo. Each time she tackles a project, she enjoys learning new developments in different areas. Translating is her way of life… and she loves it.



Language Projects

  • English (US) to Spanish (South America)1,000+

Summary of Language Experience

English (US) to Spanish (South America)

This Pair has been predominantly required to Giselle during her career.
She feels truly competent in it, after having attended English-language secondary school and college; graduated from Columbia University; lived and worked in USA during 4 years; served at the Spanish news desk in Associated Press (New York) and as press reporter in the English team at the UN General Assemblies in NYC.

Industry Projects

  • Education100+

Summary of Industry Experience


With over 30 years of experience, Giselle has covered an extensive area of fields and industries, mainly devoting her work to education, international relations, economic and social development, finance, trade, marketing, labor, food, etc.

Product Projects

  • Web Page500+

Summary of Product Experience

Web Page

During the last decade, Giselle has translated hundreds of technical articles, press releases, newsletters and leaflets, most of which are uploaded in web pages. This growing global trend shapes her approach and style vis-à-vis the texts required.

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