Translator #42493
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After receiving her bachelor's degree in Modern Languages, Lisania worked on a multicultural and multilingual environment that encouraged her on her learning of new languages and introduced her to translation work. She started with short translations for a study program and, through the years, she has accumulated a lot of experience translating religious, educational and general texts. She also has some experience writing articles for women. Her main translation topics are religion (Christian religion), educational texts, travel and tourism and general texts.



Industry Projects

  • Education20+

Summary of Industry Experience


Lisania likes to translate papers about education and the learning process in children. She has translated a variety of texts about educations, social and emotional learning, academic autocomes, academic perfomance, etc.

Product Projects

  • Article20+
  • Web Page1

Summary of Product Experience


Lisania has translated many articles about flowers and plants. Most of them are descriptions about flowers and speak about the best ways to take care that type of plant and the best soil, temperature or conditions to grow it.

Web Page

Lisania has translated a travel and tourism website for a Russian travel agency. Since one of her passions is to learn about other cultures and countries, she enjoys very much this type of projects.

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