Translator #42472
3 Star Rating
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2 Clients
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Aziz Hamdoun is an American Moroccan citizen. He has lived in the US for 14 years where he earned a Bachelor degree from Old Dominion University (GPA: 3.85) and an Associate degree from Tidewater Community College (GPA:3.78). He is also a volunteer with Translators Without Borders, a non-profit organization, and a interpreter volunteer helping Arabic speakers take their driver license test. He has been a freelance translator for three years.



Language Projects

  • English (US) to Arabic20+
  • Arabic to English (US)6

Summary of Language Experience

English (US) to Arabic

Aziz Hamdoun is an American/Moroccan citizen. He graduated from Old Dominion University with distinction (Bachelor degree, Norfolk) and I also hold an Associate degree from Tidewater Community College, Norfolk, Virginia and Associate of degree from Moulay Ismail University, Morocco. He is also a member of both the American Translators Association (ATA) and Translators Without Borders. He has been a translator for 3 years, and an interpreter for 6 years in the state of Virginia and I have been living in the US for 14 years. As a professional translator, he can provide you with the best quality and turnout. Having lived in the US for all these years allowed him to be familiar with the spoken English language, slang and US culture. You don’t have to pay until you are 100 % satisfied.

Arabic to English (US)

Aziz has worked on 5 projects with Translators Without Borders. The goal of those projects was to translate several Arabic papers into English.

Industry Projects

  • Government3

Summary of Industry Experience


Aziz has worked on 3 projects related to the refugee crisis in Europe in 2015.

Product Projects

  • Advertisement5

Summary of Product Experience


Translating advertisement materials to Arabic can be challenging. Aziz understands that words in the advertisement business are chosen carefully to be effective and straightforward. A translation that doesn't take that into account would be useless. Having worked in the retail business in the US, Aziz is equipped with both the language tools and a considerable understanding of the advertisement business. Aziz is capable of translating concepts and ideas rather than just words!

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