Showcase your work with a free online portfolio, now featuring options to add images, links to your work, and certification for top-tier writers, editors, graphic designers, animators, illustrators, and videographers.
More than 40,000 brands ranging from SMB's to Agencies to Fortune 500 companies that connect with freelancers using advanced search, casting calls, quote requests, and our AI-powered Writer Search that uses text analysis to match you up!
We’re expanding the type of talent we represent, and the number of industries we cover for clients. Check out the latest list of skills we're actively seeking freelance talent for clients. And be sure to list those skills on your application.
We hand-review your work and experience, inviting only the best freelancers to move forward with our screening process. We make sure your online portfolio and experience aligns with your suggested price ranges to meet your expectations.
Get free benefits like access 250M stock images, content strategy certification, content marketing tools, portfolio gallery promotion, and a ticket to our annual content marketing conference and the recordings from the last 4 years.
Our team offers free support for all freelancers to keep the orders flowing and income going to you and all the freelancers in the marketplace, attending to any of the snags.
Get free benefits when you launch in the marketplace like access 250M stock images, content strategy certification, and content marketing tools—all FREE!
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