Frequently asked
All the answers
are here.

How often should I update my WA profile?

We recommend updating your profile at least quarterly to ensure that your experience and expertise are accurate. Customers and our admin team rely heavily on your profile to determine if you would be a good fit for a project. Your profile should contain any keywords that pertain to your areas of expertise. Any time you learn a new skill, receive a new or updated certification or further your education, we recommend adding it to your profile.

Can talent communicate with clients outside of the platform?

No. Freelancers and customers are not allowed to exchange personal contact information for privacy purposes. This includes full names, email addresses and phone numbers. All communication must take place in the WriterAccess platform. You may communicate with comments on orders, WAMail messages, and Conference Calls. Everything is recorded and monitored so that WriterAccess can come to the defense of a freelancer or customer in the event of a discrepancy.

How do I communicate with a customer?

There are several ways for you to communicate with customers. We ask that you keep your conversations with customers respectful whether they are comments, messages, or conference calls. They are your customers and you should handle them that way.

•  Keep all language professional and business-like

•  Avoid being overly defensive or combative even if you feel it is warranted

•  Ask questions that are clear and to the point

Customers and freelancers may communicate using:

•  The Message feature directly in an order form.

•  WAMail in the communication area, which works like an email/message.

•  Conference Calls, which are phone conversations through the WA system.

Conference Calls require a phone number and PIN to use which is provided to the customer and shared with the freelancer through a WriterAccess Mail message. Once a Conference Call line is activated, it's up to the freelancer and client to correspond via message to determine a date/time to call. Freelancers are paid $0.35 per minute for their time on the conference call.

If a client reaches out to you from any other avenue or provides you with contact information to talk off of the platform, please open a help desk ticket. There is no reason to give a customer your phone number, email address, blog address, or personal information. This is for your safety, as well as ours. Customers have all the tools they need to communicate with freelancers within the WriterAccess platform.

Also open a help desk ticket if you have a problem that might cause conflict, rather than communicating directly with the client.