Learn how we help customers with one of their biggest challenges, namely finding the perfect writer for a project, using machine learning that’s deeply rooted in psychology. Our algorithm is patent pending, with success well documented and betterment on the way!
Sure. Our members have cool resources to find writers like casting calls and writing style contests for projects. But sifting through hundreds of qualified applicants to pick the winner is a challenge, with so many choices.
Writing Contest
Casting Calls
The CU and IBM tools analyize text in a cool way, creating a profile of the author projecting their big five personality characteristics. CU's algorithm was developed comparing 300,000 personality test with their text samples to create the model. IBM's sample size is much less, pulling from 25,000 volunteer writers.
CU agreed to the modeling, and developed a pilot program for the new match-making services we blind tested with thousands of customers. Take a look at the results announced by the CU Director of Psychometrics at our annual Content Marketing Conference.