Deb L
Strategist #58687
Joined 6/28/2021
5 Star Rating
787 Projects
Sarah has been a writer her entire professional life. From marketing and strategic plans, to story arcs, annual reports, and multichannel digital such as blog posts, email marketing, landing pages, web pages, product descriptions, content blueprints, press releases, positioning statements, creative briefs, and more.
Email Copy
Blog Post
Cloud Computing


Specialist in highly integrated multichannel strategy and campaign management, as well as tactical execution based on strategic plans, marketing plans, and communications plans.

Expert at translating strategy for creative teams and developing guidance documents such as creative briefs and moodboards.

Hands-on writer, editor, and art director.

Strong believer in managing and growing the brand, auditing all customer-facing components for unified brand voice and image, and developing one-off complimentary deliverables that fit in to existing efforts while addressing current/future goals and KPIs.


As a student of life, she is interested in always learning and growing. While she spends an inordinate amount of time online, she also really enjoys people watching IRL as well as being in nature. Her dogs beg me on a daily basis to take them with her wherever she goes. Thankfully, they are too big to carry in my purse so she does limit their tag-a-long time to neighborhood and trail walks as well as trips to the dog park. She is a go-getter and someone who makes things happen, so the ability to disconnect and just "be" improves my ability to strategize and brainstorm on issues, industries, and challenges. She is also a firm believer in getting out from behind the desk and into the marketplace experience the customer's experience. Give her a shot and before long, she'll be channeling your customers' and products' voices for on-target goal-setting performance.


West Virginia Wesleyan College

Dual Majors in Communications and Applied Music
First Paid General Manager of College Radio Station
General Manager, WVWC-FM for Two Years
Female Lead, Buried Child (Sam Shepard) Theatrical Performance
Bloody Mary, South Pacific Theatrical Performance


500 Projects Completed

She has three years experience in the gaming industry through in-house marketing positions at Pinballz, a multi-location entertainment center, as well as at The Texas Lottery.


60 Projects Completed

She has 5+ years experience in the healthcare industry, five of which were through long-term contracts she negotiated while running the Creative Heads Advertising agency. She was the key contact on each of the following three accounts, and was responsible for high quality, on time, within budget projects spanning from marketing plans, communications plans, creative briefs, messaging, art direction, identity, branding, marketing collateral such as brochures and signage, as well as websites, blogs, social media posts, and more.

- Resources for Living (corporate wellness and EAP)
- Giandana Healthcare (national ACO consulting)
- Central Health (regional insurer and provider)

She is currently a freelance blog writer for Life Line Screening national labs.

Cloud Computing

7 Projects Completed

For Olea Edge Analytics, a Google Cloud Ecosystem Partner, I developed everything from mission and vision statements, to messaging, positioning, plans, briefs, press releases, website content, social media, pitch decks, brochures, Slack communications, and recruitment marketing.

Blog Post

120 Projects Completed

She has both ghost-written as well as authored two years of weekly entertainment and gaming blogs from both an executive thought leadership and consumer educational point of view for Spohn & Associates/Pinballz.

She worked directly with the CEO of Giandana Healthcare to chart a series of blog posts designed to establish their credibility online and provoke thought and interaction with their target market.

She has also recently resumed writing healthcare blogs. This time each blog focuses on a health issue (defining the problem, addressing predispositions and symptoms, lifestyle changes, etc.) and how the client, Life Line Screening can ultimately help the consumer address their health concerns.

Email Copy

100 Projects Completed

The bulk of her experience developing content for email marketing was for Spohn & Associates dba Pinballz.

She authored weekly email blasts/newsletters for two years. She created original content, edited provided content, worked with managers to develop content covering their products and regions, resized graphics from an image library she had previously art directed and approved for other campaign components, created landing pages, checked link performance, obtained internal approvals, coded to identify lead prospects based on behavior, developed and acted upon segmented database, and analyzed performance based on open and click-through-rate as well as Hubspot identification of referrals resulting in web store sales of event tickets and merchandise.

Utilized Hubspot, Constant Contact, and Survey Monkey as an email provider.

Certification in Hubspot.

Certification in Salesforce pending.

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