Richard H
Strategist #47125
Joined 3/18/2020
3 Star Rating
3,772 Projects

A. People do not buy goods and services.

B. They buy relationships, stories, and magic.

Richard believes it is his job to create a little magic for a brand, to craft a narrative that creates a mental image that differentiates your brand from your competitors and forges a relationship between a product or service with a customer.

Many brands, big and small alike, fall short when it comes to telling their story in a manner that provides consumers with a decision-making-shortcut—choosing their product or service over the competition.

Before I write about what a product does, or what its made of, or what it costs…I write about how it will make the customer feel or improve his or her life. I help your brand evoke emotions, memories and personal context.

He has been a professional writer and brand consultant for over 3 decades. As the long-term owner and chief creative officer of the Keynote Media Group, he wrote for every possible medium and virtually every industry out there.

He has vast experience in copywriting, brand messaging, slogans, mission statements, articles for online and print, press releases, video scripts, and radio spots. Website content and blogging are also well within his wheelhouse.

He has written for both B-to-B and B-to-C brands as well as a boatload of not-for-profits. Large and small manufacturers have always been a very busy area.

He has created text that sells steel, aluminum extrusions, paint, houses, insurance, funeral homes, theme parks, restaurants, furnaces/AC...virtually any business out there.

Non Profit
Web Page


Richard's interests include bicycling, photography, and writing poetry.


Youngstown State Univ

Non Profit

643 Projects Completed

Local and regional nonprofits and social service agencies have had content and brand messaging have been a major part of his client base for over 3 decades. He believes that communicating the mission of a nonprofit is mandatory in every marketing endeavor if that entity is to successfully serve its clients and the community.


454 Projects Completed

Richard has provided many of this country's leading manufacturing and industrial company with branding and messaging that has allowed them to stand out from competitors. Clients include Gasser Chair, Warren Fabricating and Machining, Brilex Industries, Commercial Metal Forming, Compco Industries,and ILSCO Extrusions.


1,800 Projects Completed

Richard has written copy and brand messaging for both the B2B and B2C sectors--online ads, print ads, and billboards. His strength lies in building consistent, impactful content that contains the StoryBrand principles of focusing on the customer and a call to action. He believes that bold headlines and terse bullets are more effective than a wordy prose style.

Web Page

875 Projects Completed


As a STORYTELLER...a BRAND STORYTELLER. He has been creating magic for clients for over 3 decades!

He has many years of copywriting experience for every possible media including blogs, whitepapers, social media, print collateral, industry pub articles, and websites. B

He is a major proponent of the 7 StoryBrand Principles, which include driving home benefits to the customer rather than a focus on capacities/products/services; and an engaging call-to-action!

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