Mara Z
Strategist #33237
Joined 8/4/2019
4 Star Rating
636 Projects
Mara has 10 years experience developing content for internal and external audiences. She has worked in multiple industries and specializes in creating content that aligns with a company's goals. She is strategic, creative, and organized. Her skills include writing, paid and organic social media, SEO content, sales material, and topic ideation. She has extensive experience in the financial services, higher education, and healthcare industries. Mara's background also includes public relations and marketing.
Email Copy
Blog Post
Green Living
Search Marketing


Mara is a passionate problem-solver who loves to give back to her community. She is a big supporter of improving the lives of foster children and volunteers whenever possible. She also loves the outdoors, self-defense (krav maga), making metal and beaded jewelry, and exploring the world around her.


Arizona State University


600 Projects Completed

Mara created the strategy and marketing initiatives for a credit union and a mortgage technology organization. She has worked on both the B2C and B2B side and writing and marketing products and services about mortgages, personal finance, auto loans, mortgage origination and servicing.

Green Living

10 Projects Completed

Mara is working towards as close to a zero-waste lifestyle as she can get. She enjoys writing about topics related to that - sustainability, in-home composting, removing single-use items from lifestyle, making one's own toiletries, etc.

Search Marketing

10 Projects Completed

Mara worked in search marketing for an agency for two years. Prior to that, she managed an employer's AdWords account and incorporated SEO best practices into her written content. Mara enjoys learning more about search.


10 Projects Completed

Women are still making strides towards equality in the U.S. and other countries. Overcoming both obstacles out of their control and self-imposed ones interest Mara.


1 Projects Completed

Mara worked in marketing for a community college system and also did content creation for an EMBA program. She is well-versed in appealing to students, creating testimonials from current and former students, writing about financial aid and internships, and building connections with partners (employers, politicians, nonprofits).


1 Projects Completed

Mara has worked in marketing communications for 10 years. Her experience includes content marketing, email marketing, CRM software, event planning, community outreach, graphic design, SEO, SEM and PPC, social media, advertising, and sales support.


2 Projects Completed

Testimonials are a great way to add credibility to a product or service, especially when they come across as transparent and genuine. They should give the reader insight into why the user recommends the product or service.

Email Copy

1 Projects Completed

Emails serve many purposes. They can be brief or descriptive, informational or promotional. The best way to get the best results is to personalize your email to your audience and use visuals as a way to tell the story or spread your message.

Blog Post

1 Projects Completed

Blogs are a great way to add value to prospects and customers, while solidifying your company as an expert in your industry. They also are a great way to promote your product or service through social media and search.

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