Publish direct
to HubSpot.
Save time with
our integration.

Integrate WriterAccess with HubSpot CRM to publish approved content directly to the HubSpot Blog.

Setup In Seconds

In seconds, you can setup the integration with WriterAccess and HubSpot to export orders with one click.

Manage Workflow

We keep track of everything you export to make it easy to find the orders that need exporting to stay organized all the time.

Save Lots of Time

No more exporting and importing approved content from WriterAccess to HubSpot, so you have more time to run your business.

Setup is easy.
Get the integration going.

How To Setup Integration

  1. Simply Log In to WriterAccess
  2. Go to the SETUP option in the Nav
  3. Click Publication Integration 
  4. Click HubSpot logo
  5. Click the Begin Authorization button
  6. Log In to HubSpot and Accept Connection 

Publishing is easy.
Get the content flowing to HubSpot.

How To Export Content Directly

  1. Go to Manage Workflow
  2. Select Orders to Export
  3. Select Export 
  4. Select HubSpot in the Drop Down
  5. Fill in any export fields, like publish date
  6. Hit Publish and Whoosh... off they go