Tip #1: Pay more per word for complex projects with high visibility.

What's a fair price to pay a freelancer for quality writing services? Review the three main factors we consider when advising customers on what to pay for the quality work they demand for their content investment.

Instruction Complexity, Reader Visibility, & Skill and Proficiency

Instruction Complexity

Complex projects require in-depth instructions and more writer time and effort.

Reader Visibility

The visibility of the work and its impact on sales and revenue should be part of the mix.

Skill and Proficiency

Heavy research and supreme levels of expertise typically equate to higher pay.

Tip #2: Pay more per word for advanced writer skill and proficiency

You'll need to pay more per word for writers that have mastered the art and science of great writing. Core writing skills, industry expertise and polish proficiency deliver that snap, crackle and pop you demand.

Superior Writing Skills, Industry Expertise, & Polish and Finesse

Superior Writing Skills

Writers who have mastered the art, craft and science deserve a rate that compensates.

Industry Expertise

Deep knowledge of a specific industry should result in deep pockets when it comes to pay.

Polish and Finesse

Top writers who can shape copy to boost audience and conversion deserve top pay.

Tip #3: Run a writing contest to find the perfect writer.

Here is a little secret that removes all the guesswork with finding the perfect writer. Simply run a writing contest with a few difference writers, all creating a draft from the same order. Review the work, and be sure to offer each of them feedback for consideration. Review the final drafts an pick the winner!

Your Next Steps

Step 1 Create a simple order, like a 500-word blog post on a topic you specify, with detailed instructions that define what you want and when you need it.
Step 2 Send the same order to three different writers you hand select.
Step 3 Review the first draft from all three writers, and request revisions.
Step 4 Review the final draft from each writer, looking for betterment based on your feedback.
Step 5 Pick the winner who aligns with your tone, style and brand, and start cranking out work with your superstar!