Amber's main enjoyment comes from helping you create beautiful content that shows off your overall message with a focus on branding and voice. She has worked in the tech space quite a lot but has also done work for everyone from construction companies to fashion stylists, gardening companies to lawyers, religious centers to environmental firms.
Amber's personal interests include reading – Ready Player One to Neil Gaimen to 1900-era steampunk mysteries, she runs the gamut. She strongly believes that reading should be enjoyable, which is a perspective she will bring to your work.
Amber has worked in the technology sector, writing and editing content for software companies, for 11 out of her 14 years' experience. She is well versed in audience segments and where in the sales funnel documents will go. Her specialties include articles, blog posts, and email communications.
Amber is an expert of every level of the marketing, editorial, and content publishing cycle. She has taken articles from concept to publication hundreds of times within her work tenure. She is a tough editor but a good one who appreciates your efforts while also seeing the overall picture of what your article is trying to say.
What makes you want to open an email? Amber can help you find the golden edge and angle that will help your open rates and ensure that your message gets out.
Newsletters are tricky since they involve lots of disparate subjects in digest-form. Amber can help you scrub clean your newsletter to ensure maximum readability.
Blog posts are Amber's forte. From a business perspective, they have a formality that needs to be weighted equally with informality in a formula that is tough to get right if you don't know how. And she does. She has ghost-written blogs for years and is well-versed in how to maintain your voice while bringing it up a level.
Whitepapers are highly useful, but if they don't have the information to appeal to both scanners and in-depth readers, your message won't hit all your targets. Amber know how to make your whitepaper readability the best it can be, while serving up a clean document with no errors.
Web pages are often the only ways in which your prospective customers will interact with your business – so they have to be great. This includes no grammatical and syntax errors and clean readability that offers all they info your visitors need to contact you. Amber knows this and can help make your website pop.