Specialties include:
- Graphic design, mostly for the digital realm: company profile, information graphic, marketing items
- Digital illustration: custom illustrations that fit snugly into a brand's vibe and style
- User experience design: well-versed in digital product and application projects, prototyping, and conducting user research to address user needs effectively.
Handled the graphic design aspects of marketing campaigns for educational brands like Rosetta Stone
Created marketing items for brands that cater daily products like P&G and Danone
Worked for software companies as a User Experience / Product Designer for 3 years
Worked in the software industry as a user experience designer
Worked for an accounting software company as a Product Designer
Completed marketing projects with a few construction companies
Infographics are her specialty
Most of her graphic design projects include custom digital illustration
- eBooks
- Digital illustrations
- Infographic
- Marketing items
- Social media graphic contents
Includes company profiles, company reports, marketing ebooks, etc.