Although willing to tackle any design project, Lisa shines as a logo and t-shirt designer, and pretty much anything print — from vehicle graphics to billboards.
Although Lisa loves (and is willing) to design pretty much anything, she feels her passion and talents lie in the logo, brochure/catalog, ad, t-shirt, and poster lane. But she embraces the challenge of stretching her design muscles and trying new, undiscovered ventures.
She majored in Advertising with a concentration on Telecommunications and a supplemental certificate for Film Thematic Studies.
She majored in Elementary Education with minors in Early Childhood Development, Science and English.
Lisa has been designing the Higgins Lake Foundation 8-12 page, annual newsletter for over 10 years, developing the original 2-color concept, as well as the 4-color redesign. She also concepted and designed a multi-page newsletter for the Higgins Lake Property Owners Association, and created program logos, direct mail pieces, an annual report, playbills, invitations, and a slew of other promotional materials for the Kalamazoo Civic Theatre.
Not only was she the Advertising Manager for First of America Bank’s Corporate Marketing Department, Lisa also developed concepts, wrote, and designed ads, brochures, and other marketing materials for Sturgis Bank & Trust Company, Associated Bank, and Republic Bank.
She’s designed newspaper ads, store signage, direct mail, and other promotional pieces for Gilmore’s Department Store and Acorn.
Kirtland Community College’s campus newspaper, Calhoun County Community in Schools’ annual report, Glen Oaks Community College women’s basketball program, White Pigeon High School’s Athletic Complex donation brochure, and a Western Michigan University Communiversity invitation are just a few of the educational materials designed by Lisa.
For over 10 years, she designed (and re-designed) a quarterly newsletter for Welsh & Associates, as well as a Christmas card and an interviewing tips series.
Over the years, Lisa has designed newsletters, brochures, product catalogs, and direct mail pieces for a variety of manufacturers — cement, portable entry systems, custom toolboxes, truck accessories, and community organizations. From concept to completion, she has also developed ads, product catalogs, display booths, truck graphics, and more for EZ-Que — art directing photo shoots, gathering images, designing layouts and the company logo, writing, editing, and working with print vendors.
She’s designed logos for a local restaurant (Minnie Tucker’s on the Lake) and brochures for bottled water purifiers (Ice Mountain and Perrier Group).
Lisa has designed for a variety of businesses, including her own marketing agency’s promotional materials, print ads for F.L.A.G. (Foreign Links Around the Globe), sales brochures for Paw Paw Press, Great Lakes Companies, and Thurston Woods Village, logos for Barstow Economic Stimulus Team, and website concepts for West Michigan Office Interiors and Main Street Michigan.
Lisa created concept ideas, wrote, and designed ads for Kreis Enderle, as well as created an annual pig roast logo, invite, and t-shirt design.
From logos to brochures, business cards and letterhead, print ads, and website concepts, Lisa has been a designer in the travel industry, working with Imperial Journeys, Travel Dot Fun, and Ludington Area Convention and Visitors Bureau.
Lisa designed Sage & Associates’ logo, as well as wrote and designed their sales brochure.
She’s developed concepts, wrote, and designed ads for Borgess Hospital (Bariatrics division) and East Bay Medical Center.
She designed a foldout sales brochure promoting a premier course in Three Rivers, Michigan — Island Hills Golf Club.
While the Art Director for a marketing firm, Lisa designed a website for Floracraft, a platform for projects that could be created or bought using their products.
Lisa designed the logo for Bull Hi!, an upstart outreach organization that brings people, institutions, and businesses together.
An established construction company, Carrier Construction, reached out to Lisa to design a series of 2-sided, 2-color flyers that provided the history, services, and accomplishments of their firm.
Lisa has designed (and written) hundreds of print ads for a variety of industries — including department stores, banks, hospitals, legal firms, community colleges, foreign student placement services, and cosmetic enhancement medical centers.
For several years, Lisa has had a long-standing relationship with the Higgins Lake Foundation, designing their annual newsletter. She’s also designed multi-page newsletters for the Higgins Lake Property Owners Association, Welsh & Associates, and Holnam Inc., along with Kirtland Community College’s campus newspaper.
She’s developed the concept, written, designed, and art directed 100+ direct mail pieces for retail (fashion), non-profits, financial, manufacturers, and many more.
She’s designed a multitude of brochures, including one for her early start-up company (IQ); EZ-Que, a company that specializes in state-of-the-art rotisseries; Paw Paw Press, a commercial printer; Thurston Woods Village, a retirement community; MTEC, a division of Kirtland Community College; and Perrier Group, a bottle watered purifier.
From education and community theatre to tourism, travel, and restaurants to life coaches, yoga studios, handmade paper artists, and legal firms, Lisa has had her hands in logo development for a wide range of industries and organizations.
Although Lisa hasn’t had any published websites, she’s designed concepts for Floracraft, West Michigan Office Interiors, Ludington Area Convention and Visitors Bureau, and Main Street Michigan. Plus, she’s had 11 years experience in the online worksite wellness space, so is well-versed in ensuring websites have intuitive content and layout, effective visual appeal, and meets WCAG requirements.